Show THE ELDERS arid and THEIR WORK to DAY we surrender a liberal sha share ae of our available space to communications from the sandwich islands Mi dialon tylon silon giving an interesting description crip tion of cf late proceedings at the lale laie plantation the presence pre senco lenco of the king his taking a n personal part la in the dedication ceremonies of the new house of worship and joining in the festivities ot of the occasion are notable incidents in the history ot the mission the compliment he paid to the saints do dos doss s him as much credit as it did them he frankly and generously stated that the people of the laio lalo plantation the gathering place of the latter day saints in that quarter of the globe were among the best subjects of hl his 3 realm his hib majesty spoke advisedly aa his hib opinion was based upon personal investigation tho the condition of tho the tho sandwich Band Sand wish islands mission Is a striking example of the nature of t the work of regeneration being preformed by what the people abroad call lt it albo aleo exhibits tho the qualities of the i and devoted men wh 16 ahn anu and kropa toralf U p es of the syb hys of gators sergi gil gim P the time the gospel WIN was first introduced upon the islands it found a large number of cf people ready to 10 accept the message where thero la Is a law in existence how ever that forbids the nativo native population from emigrating to other parts of the world without a special permit from the king kink it was no na under these circumstances to establish a gathering place on the islands the laie lale plantation was purchased has been operated by the missionary brethren for many yearb years and forms forma the headquarters of the mission to which the saints baluta gather and are aro there furnished with employment we vve need not state that the hawaiian population have as a rule descended very low in the scale of being this thia is too well known to need more than a passing reference this condition has made the labors of the elders sent there more than ordinarily arduous requiring great stretches of faith patience and energy upon them has not only devolved the duty of becoming familiar with a strange language and preaching tho the gospel of faith repentance baptism for tho the remission of sins bins the imparting of the holy ghost by the laying on of hands and the Bub subsequent sequent beading of a new and better life but they have in most instances also been under the necessity of laboring diligently with their hands and teaching those who identified them bei eel voa with bebr church in every practical way how to walk in ao iordanca corrance cor danca dance with the doctrines of the gospel whose precepts enter into the tha everyday affairs of life it will be ba seen by what la Is published today to day vint bome some mention is mada made of temporal labors performed by the brethren who racelle no monetary reward for their work their business from the beginning has ton bon to turn the tide of life from a downward tendency to an incline to higher and nobler conditions dit dil lons ions how well this mork vork ork has been done la a evinced by the bub sub showing of the reports pub dished today to day and the acknowledge ment of king kalakaua ralah malah aua who esteems the saints as among his best beit subjects in their devotion their untiring pr pc ergy their faith and un inch courage cou con rage the elders eiders of th the harch of jesus joens christ of latter day saints bot hoi a noble nobie example to the world corid while the traits of their labors performed amid adverse circumstances and under the frown of the world s tand stand conspicuously to their credit in A certain fc ebes ensa although rot pot in ia another other as they thom themselves selves give the glory to god who wh 0 sustains them under trial and gives the fruition of their efforts it might well be queried as to where else men could be found in the ordinary ranks of life willing to leave their homes for several yearb years at a strete hand band devote themselves exclusively to the interests of humanity without the incentive of a temporal reward the compliment paid by the king of the sandwich islands to the members of the church under hla hia dignity is highly creditable to him it Is ia a good example to the chief men of other nations much more advanced la civilized civili zed zad methods it if the mormons cormons Mor mons were treated as they deserve to be they would receive the t inma enma con ration aeration de from every source the labors of the elders have the same tendency ten dancy wherever applied as aa the enn eff ecta of the doctrines of the gospel never differ it is a work of regeneration and general improvement jn in temporal and spiritual affairs it 16 is exhibited here hereto to a remarkable extent the people gather from every quarter ol of the globe and it if they abide in the genius of the system advancement and progress Is the resale the effects of this onward cour course Bels Is specially observable in tho the great bujic bajic of the tho gonera generation tiou tion now rising jn in this com corn As a bhole whole they are a splendid race of young people tho the works performed by the tho elders of thib this church manifest beyond all successful contradiction that they are the practical friends of humanity and being euch buch are the most abused maligned ned and misrepresented clma cima on the globe but in meeting with a flyod of popular vindictive opposition and being totally misunderstood they but share the lot of all genuine reformers reform era cra from the earliest historic times some somme fine flue day tha world will wake do justice to their motives their labors and their dod dos pod sons until that day gf pance rico rice fleo come they will go 0 wil wll allu the good work surmount ug g every obstacle and gaining experience peri ence beyond all price 43 am |