Show A MONKEY etory STORY some time ngo ago an english lady who was living at kingston jamaica took passage on a homeward bound vessel taking her 2 months old infant with her A large strong active monkey which was waa on board took a violent fancy for the child the monkey would sit bit all day long watching the mother as aa she rocked and fondled the little one and fo followed her from place to place several times the animal tried unsuccessfully cess fully to get possession of the baby one ben bea beautiful a tifai afternoon a distant sail eail attracted the atten alten attention tion of all on board and the captain politely offered his hia glass ta the lady she placed her baby on the sofa and had just juat raised the flats to her eye when a cry was heard turning quickly she beheld behold a sailor bailor in pursuit of the monkey which had grasped the infant firmly with one oue i was waa nimbly climbing the aronds the mother fainted as the animal liast reached the top of the main mast the captain was at his wits end he feared if ho he sent a bailor sailor in pursuit the monkey would drop the baby and escape by leaping from mast to mast the child in the meantime was heard to cry but the fear that the monkey was waa hurting it was dispelled by seeing it imitate the motions of the mother dand daud dandling soothing and endeavoring to hush it to sleep after trying in many ways down the captain finally ordered the men below and concealed him beio belo on deck in a moment to his great joy he saw the monkey carefully descending reaching beaching the deck it looked cautiously around advanced to the sofa and placed the baby upon it the captain restored the frIght frightened eln eld ed infant to its mother who was scon satisfied that the dar ling hae hao escaped without injury boston globe |