Show l AND ND GUARDIA GUARDIANSHIP lurE NOTICES OTICE signer the tho county count clerk or Or for tor further Information DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO PRO- PlO bate balo bat IN division THE THI in and for Salt Sal aU Lako Lak State of or Utah county mi- mi Lillian count of or ot of tho estate Lilian In th the matter May Smith petition of or Harry Smith adminis administrator The petton of or the estate of o U Lillian Ulan laj distribution May Ia Smith O Othe 01 of deceased for or the praying the person por per the tho residue o of the e estate tate to has liat been set et f for or r hearing entitled son sanA the da day o of September on Friday Frida at the tho A A. I D D. 1913 at nt 2 o'clock p. p m. m courtroom In the courthouse county count Salt Lake City Salt of or said satti court in Ike Lake COUntY count Utah of oC said saul court with clerk the seal ns thereof the affixed this 1 Jay a or of August A. A D. D 1913 P. P PALMER Clerk CierI er Seal L Seal Beveridge Deputy Clerk By A. A E. E Peti Peti- l for Cor Ball Ban k Attorneys s 's Pet i tb n or toner DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- I IN THE Lake bato division in and for or Salt Sal Department Stat o of Utah Ulah county count No o. o 1 of Gatty of the thc estate o In the matter o deceased Jones Joncs Jones I The petition of o May IR Blanche for the admission to Probate praying to tobe tobe tobe purporting certain document o of a a. c a of or Gatty will and Gatt last be the and wi te deceased and for or the granting Jones testamentary to May Ia Blanche of or letters sot ot for hearing on Friday Fri Fri- been Jones has hearInG A. A D. D the th da day of oC September da day 1913 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at the county aid the courtroom of ot aid In court courthouse in Salt Sal Lake Lako City Salt Sal Lake count county Utah S Witness the clerk o of said court with day I Io the seal thereof affixed this A. A D. D 1913 o of August Seal L L P. P PALMER PALMR Clerk Cerk n By A. A E. E Beveridge Deputy Clerk Clark Edward Attorney for or Petit Peti PeU t I 0 fl Cr I I IN THE DISTRICT COURT COURT PRObate PRO PRO- bate baie division TIl In and for Cor Salt Lake Lako county count State ot or Utah In the matter mater of o the estate of or Horace IT H. Voss d deceased Notice Tho The petition or of Ethel Vos 08 Francis praying for the tine issuance to herself h rHet of or de bonis non letters o of administration in the of or Horace H. H Voss oss deceased de do- ceased has been set et for hearing on Friday the Iho day o of September A. A D. D 1913 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at the county count of oC said courthouse e in tho the courtroom court in Salt Lake City CI Salt Lake Utah county count Witness Utah the clerk of or said eald court court with wih the seal thereof affixed this day da of or August A A. A A D. D 1913 Seal Sel L. L 1 P. P PALMER PAMER Clerk Clork B By A. A E. E Beveridge Deputy Clerk Parle Parley P. P Jonson Ato Attorney l 0 for tor Pet Pet- Peti Poti- t I on or NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF MATTIE E. E BAER a deceased Creditors will wi present claims with wih vouchers to the undersigned at avenue Waterloo Salt SnIt Lake City Utah a on or before eCore the day o of De Do- cember comber A. A D D. 1913 Charles Charle Baer and Nelson el on J. J Baer Bacr Administrators laer of or the estate of oC Mattie Matte Mattie Mat- Mat tie J- J E. E Bacr Baer deceased te Edwin S. S Sheets he Attorney for said ald estate i 10 N N. Main lain St. St Salt Lake City Utah Date Dale Date of first publication August 1 I A. A D. D 19 1913 No 44 Report of or the Condition of or orTHE I NATIONAL THE UTAH UTA STATE I I II I BANK BAK Located at Salt Sal Lake Lkc City In the State of or Utah at al the close of or business August 9 J 1913 RESOURCES Loans and discounts 9 Overdrafts anc secured and unsecured unsecured unsecured un un- un- un secured U. U S. S bonds to secure circulation lation Premiums laton on U. U S. S bond bonds Bonds securities etc 1908 Furniture and fixtures Other real estate ned o owned banks Du Due from national not reserve agents Due Que from rom state end and private banks and bankers trust tru-t tr t companies and savings Duo from approved ed reserve agents agEnts o Checks and other ca cash h items Exchanges s for Cor clearinghouse clearing clearinghouse clearinghouse house Notes otes of or other national banks 0 Fractional paper currency nickels and cents 1579 Lawful mone money reserve e in bank viz Iz L AJ egal e ga a i notes Re Redemption fund with wih U. U S. S treasurer 5 per pcr cent of lor circulation Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in In S 3 Surplus fund Undivided Jo profits less ex expenses ox- ox and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding outstanding out out- standing Duo to other oilier national hanks banks 62 Due to state and nd private banks bank and nd bankers 1 Due to trust companies and savings hanks banks 1 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check cheek Demand certificates ales of or de- de dt- dt l posit Time certificates o of deposit H Certified checks t. t 61 Cashiers Cashier's checks check outstandIng outstanding In ing 6 Bills IJa ablA including obligations ob ob- ob l for tor mone money borrowed bor bor- rowed Total Toral 5 Stal of Utah County of Salt Sal L Lake Lako k f RS as T J. n. n T. T I Rall Badger er cashier a o of the above named hank bank lo solemnly wear that the tho above statement Is true to the b best beat t to o of my mr knowledge and bl f. f 5 R R. T T. BADGEn Cashier Ca Q K i d and vi fd worn sworn to before mc me methis this t u day of or August AUtust 1913 1St Seal Sent J. J E E. BOUD Notary otar Public Correct Attest OH Cl AS S. S BURTON O. O C. C BI BERBE BEEBE pm JAMES UtES J CIP Directors i S HERALD REPUBLICAN HERALD No 1295 HOUSEHOLD COUPON S I For Foi SO ao numbered cupon t with wih n mU ma cast cash ct ou nu DU hD f of premium x tre ee at t office I 1 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES I f the ru Consult county count clerk k or 0 tle te to for further l COURT PRObate PRO PRO- IN DISTRICT CURT Lake for tor Suit bate balo division In and count county State or of Utah In the tho matter or of tb the o or of Will Will- Wi VP m- m motor OtIce deceased Walker lam lani II H. ilm or of George E. E ManwarIng Manwar- Manwar The petition administrators Ing lug and am Don C. C Walker Walker o or of the tho estate or of William settlement II It or ol of the tho deceased praying tor for I Manwaring Man Ian L. L I said George final rinal account o ot of I waring and Don Walker distribution or of o the the and for rOl En Entitled residue of or tho estate to the tho persons on on set for Cor hearing titled has ha boen been Monday the tho day of u August lI at 10 o'clock a. a m. m at th the county courthouse court court- house In courtroom of said curt court In Utah Salt Llo Lake City Salt Lake Lako county the clerk clork o of said court with wih the seal thereof affixed this thi day doy of August A. A D. D 1918 Seal L. L P. P PALMER Clerk B By A. A A. A E. E Deputy Deput Clerk Stokes s Il Bagley Attorneys for tor Petitioners Pet Peti Peti- ASSESSMENT NO o O. O 1 11 ii SMUGGLER R MINING COMPA COMPANY Y Principal place of or business Bingham Ut Utah h. h Location of ot mines American Fork canyon canon Utah Notice Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of or the board of or glen directors of or the Smug Smuggler lor Mining company compan held on ou tho the day o or of July 1913 assessment No o. o 11 1 11 or of one ter cont cent per por share was levied upon the capital stock o of the corporation Issued and out outstanding payable imm Immediately to tho secretary at Ills his office at H. H D. D No 1 box Bingham canyon Utah lo Any stock upon which this thU assessment may remain unpaid on the day dRY o of August 1913 will wi bo delinquent and advertised for tor cab sale alc at public auction and unless ss payment Is made mado mado before It will sill be bo sold on the day lay of o Septem Septem- ber wil 1913 at J 12 2 o'clock noon at the tho secretary's rR office to pay pa pa tho the delinquent together with the tIme costs of ot s u crl lm and expense of at sale EDW ND P. P JONES Secretary I SPECIAL NOTICE IS In HEREBY REBY Gl EN GIVEN THAT THATa a special meeting o of the stockholders of or the Keith OBrien company compau a corporation cor cor- will bo be had hat and held at theoffice the tho office of or said company compan at Its is place of o business State street and Broadway Salt Lake City Utah on Tuesday the day da of ot August 1113 1 13 at the hour of or 3 o'clock p. p m. m or of said day dare Said meeting will bo he ha had and held for forthe forthe forthe wi the purpose or of o considering the tho advisability advis advis- advisability ability or of amending the tho articles of ot In Incorporation incorporation In- In corporation and If it I deemed advisable to amend the said articles o or of Incorporation tion in the tho following respects respect I ton To amend Article Artcle VI rI o of said Mid articles of ot Incorporation so as s to read as follo follows fol fol- fol lows lo vs Article VI tI Tho The amount of or the capital cap cap- Artcle Hal ital stock of ot this company compan shall be divided Into SOO rO shares o of cf tho thio face ace or par value of oC each Tho The said capital stock shall consist of at three cla classes 5 as follows shares I thereof shall bo a known and de designated as Class Clas A preferred stock stock 2600 2600 shares thereof as 18 Class B preferred stock and 2500 shares thereof as ns common stock The Tho holders of Cla Class f A preferred stock shall be bo entitled to receive when and as declared from the surplus or net earnings o of the corporation Scarly carly div dh dividends l ends at the rate o of 8 per pcr cent per annum payable semiannually semiannual on the dates to be fixed b by th the by laws or orby orby orby by resolution of or the board of or directors Tho dividends on Class Clas A stock shall be cumulative and shall be bep p payable be before are an any dividends on Class B preferred stock or the common stock shall eha be paid or sot ct apart no so o u that If U. 0 u f for tor or an any year ar di dividends v ld en d 5 amounting to toper 3 8 per cent shall not have ha e been beon paid pait thereon the deficiency shall bo payable payable pay pay- able abl before boore any dividends shall be paid upon or set et apart on the Clas Clo B preferred preferred preferred pre pre- or the common stock Whenever cumulative dividends on tho the Class A preferred stock tock for all al previous previous pre pre- Ious years years shall havo have been declared and shall shaH have h become payable and the accrued semiannual Installments tor for the current year shall have hae been declared and the company shall han have paid such declared cumulative dividends for or previous pre pro Ious years yearn earl and nd such euch tuch accrued semiannual semiannual semi semi- annual installment Instalment upon Class A preferred pre pre- erred stock and shall shoJI have havo ha set bet aSIde a alde from rom its surplus or net profits a 1 sum sufficient for or the payment thereof the holders of or Class B preferred stock shall be entitled to receive when and as declared from the remaining surplus or ret ret profits of or the corporation after tho the payment o of the cumulative dividends and the accrued semiannual Installment upon Class A preferred stock as aforesaid afore afore- said sald sald yearly dividends at at the tho rate o or of 6 per cent per annum and no more payable payable pay pay- able Tho The dividends on the tho Class B preferred pre pro forred stock shall sha also be bo cumulative and shall be payable before any dividends divi on the common stock tock shall be beald paid ald or 01 set sel apart so that If It for or an any I year ear dividends amounting to G o per cent shall shaH not have been paid on said aid Class JS CJ B preferred stock tho the deficiency shall be bo payable before an any dividends sha shall be paid pall upon or set apart apat for tor the common common cornmon com corn mon stock Whenever all an cumulative dividends on the preferred stock both Chasms Clas A and Class B for or a all previous years shall have hayo been declared pro ous and shall have become be be- come payable and arid the accrued semi seii- semiannual annual Installments for tho preferred stock for tor the current years yean shall have havo boon been declared and the tho company shall hal have paid such cumulative dividend for tor previous years ear upon both cIR classes es o of preferred stock Block in tho order ordel aforesaid and also aleo such semiannual Installments Instalments thereon OB as aforesaid or shall havo have set aside from Its Is surplus or net profits a alum for the tho thereof sum sufficient payment as lum aforesaid the board hoard of or directors director may declare dividends out of ot the net pro profits Is and earnings of ot said corporation payable payable pay pay- able at such time as may ma bo be by b resolution resolution reso reso- lution of ot tho the board of or directors provided pro pro- lulon vided d to tho the holders of ot Class A preferred preferred pre pre- erred stock and common stock of ot the company compan equal equally that Is to say Class ClassA A preferred stock shall share equally with Ith the common stock in the tho distribution distri of tf nn nn any such dividends In i case c fe of any liquidations dissolution diso- diso disso dio- lution or winding up whether voluntary volun luton tar tary or r Involuntary of 01 tho rho corporation corpora corpora- corporation tion the tho holders of ot Class ClaE Cia A preferred lon stock stock to shall b be paid tho the par amount of or such preferred shares together with wih accumulated d dividends thereon before any amount shall be he payable to the holders of at Class B preferred stock or common holder stock and shall likewise bo e paid aid such par amount of or such pro pro- erred shares before the payment of ot any Indebtedness of oC the company created ere cre or contracted subsequent to the tle Issuance of ot such Cl Class s A preferred stock stock In case o of an any liquidations disso disso- dissolution lution or 0 winding up whether voluntary volun lulon tary or Involuntary after the payment to the holders holder of Class A t preferred stock at the par amount of or such preferred pre pre- erred shares together with accumulated dividends thereon as ns above pro provided pro pro- vided tho holders of or Class Clas j B preferred stock shall be paid tho par amount of or such Class B preferred shares together with accumulated dividends thereon prior to the distribution l of ot any arty of or tho the thoa assets a or funds funds runds of or tho the corporation a among the tho holders holder of or the common stock Ch Class SS A preferred stock mock and Ith tie the present outstanding preferred stock which shall be known hereafter a as aH Class B preferred stock shall shaH havo have no right to vote ote at or participate In 11 the of or an any mooting proceedings of at tho stockholders o of the thc company either general or special but the holders and owners of tho the common stock of ot th the company cOllan owner shall havo la 1 the sole Iole right rl rigl hl t in to In any such participate stockholders stockholders' meeting either lher general or special and vote ote the shares of or the common capital stock Mock o ot of th the th company for the theof election of or directors and for the the transaction of I business of ot tho ot all other compan company al And nd also If the said articles Hhall b bf amended in the foregoing Particulars to authorize and direct the board of or directors di directors di di- rectors of or said ald company to pause cause th the necessary documents evidencing such uch amendment to be filed tied with tho the proper county count and state officials of the tIme State Stal o of Utah Said Sid meeting will wil also alo be bo had and held for tor th purpose of or transacting |