Show I 1 I EXPLORERS ENDURE I I G GREAT HARDSHIP IN GREENLAND WILDS I COPENHAGEN HAGI Au Aug 1 14 The Th The story V COPE told b by Captain Koch the Danish explorer of oC the crossing of ot Greenland Greenland Green Green- land in company with three hardy companions shows that the dangers and hardships to be bo encountered on tire the great groat Inland Ice ico field have not de decreased decreased de- de creased since Rear Admiral Robert E E. Peary and Dr Fridtjof Nansen made mado their journeys journe s 's over a portion of oC the I same deserted wastes The Danish leader and his three companions com corn Dr Wagoner a German Lar- Lar sen a sailor and t a n. native of ot Iceland were reduced during their Journey Journe to eating their pet dog tho the only animal left Before landing from their ship on July 14 H Hn 1912 tho first mishap encountered was the thc loss 8 of at a number of ponies Shortly afterward thc r motorboat disappeared through the thin Ice and the tire explorers were obliged ed to wait walt until nearly the end endor of or September before the Ice was sufficiently sufficiently suf sut- thick to carry their sledges and horses When hen thc they wore read ready to start Dr Va Wagener I fell teU and broke a rib Th The expedition established winter quarters near Queen Louise Louiso Land on October 13 Tho The scarcity of or fodder necessitated the tho slaughter of or all aU the ponies but five During a a. sledging trip Captain Cook tell fell forty five feet teet Into a n. crevasse se breaking his right leg This accident kept him helpless throughout the winter On April 20 O this year ear the tue four men broke camp and with twelve sleighs drawn by b- po ponies ponies ponies po- po nies started on their nO-mila nO march to the coast During the first forty days violent blizzards raged The po ponies bc became ame and and so exhausted that three had to be ki killed led Later tho the suns sun's rays tormented the travelers and burned tho skin from their faces Snowshoes were wt fitted to the thc feet of or the two remaining ponies and proved a R wonderful assistance tance to them irem In the loose snow Unfortunately for the explorers It wa wab alt found necessary to kill kUl another pon pony pon on Jul July 11 this year ear because time the fodder had given on out The next day the tho last potty pony was killed much to the distress of or th the members of ot the expeditions expeditions Hons as a few tots miles further on splendid did pasturage was found The rations of ot Captain I Koch och and anti his companions meanwhile had been gr gradually gradually grad grad- d- d reduced and on July 13 their provisions provisions provisions pro pro- visions were exhausted On July 15 IS they tried to push on to the coast which wa was then visible but they were so exhausted that they ther ware scarcely able to mo move Finally the pet dog which had tramped with them for miles was killed and eaten Much uch excitement occurred when the explorers explored a 3 fiord to the tire cast east of or Greenland and anti a vessel came In sight By y means of ot shots and signals the explorers succeeded In attracting signal the thc attention of ot tho vessel vesel and Pastor Pator Chemnitz who was wa on tho ship soon Slon with sith tho the assistance of oC the tho crew had the famished and explorers In safety |