Show STATE LOSES LAND CASE CASEIn In the state case C against Phillip Moz gan the tho state protesting tho the claims claim of th the latter to mining lodes In Summit count county the register and receiver er of or the local land office have ha decided In favor of oC Morgan The case concerns the El Eldorado Eldorado Eldorado El- El dorado and Potosi lodes In the mining district which the state claimed to have havo b been en set act et aside as parts of a 1 school section on on the date dat of statehood The decision says lIaf Wo We are re of or the opinion that the land was as and H is excepted excepted ex- ex front from the time grant to the the- state stat and the case I Is dismissed and applicants applicant's applicants applicant's c cants cant's nt filing allo allowed ed to stand S 4 |