Show MUCH EXCITEMENT TEMEN TIN IN INGRAND i GRAND CIRCUIT RACES I Detroit Aug AUff 14 There Thero There were only three races on tod today's y grand circuit but they furnished h d plenty of or program excitement There Thore was waa A a. whipping fInIsh fIn fIn- every ever heat haat and the winning winning win- win lab Ish shin In almost always were narrow ning m margins Two wo of the three entries In the free free- which was Included In the for all pace nace original ordinal card were wore scratched and therace therace the tho thorace race was declared off oCt Marigold took the 2 trot in itt straight heats beats View Elder was returned winner of ot tho pace after five heats hents and aul anS Grand Gran 1 Marshal captured tho the 18 trot in four Cabel who nho won tho the 10 pace yesterday yesterday yesterday yester yester- day In straight hoats looked like lIko a winner In tho 21 claw class today He took first two t-n-o heats handily with VI View I Elder close behind In the tho third heat Elder and Cabel Cl drew drow away as the they neared tho the wire v. and in the last few strides Murphy shoved his gelding in front to win by by-a by a no nose e. e Vl View w Elder took the next heat with Ices lesa trouble In the final round Murphy and Cox had a n battle battle bat bat- tle tic ro royal al around to the last yards where Cabal Cabel quit Eleanor G. G led all the wn way In the tho first heat of the trot but Grand Marshal Marshal Mar Mar- Ihal was tho the best In tho the next three Frances Graham was always near th front finishing second in every heat but Geors Geora could not Quito land her ab ahead cad Both and Pct Peter r Thompson made a 0 poor showing allowing in the trot Marigold was always alwa's ahead in the first firstI heat In tho second Murphy kept her hor I I I back until entering th the str I he sent her along to win with ease case 41 An unusual feature this aft afternoon was the parading in front of ot II the s standI of the three horses which Geera Geers hart driven to victory In the M. M t. t and andL nr L l Tho They wore winner in iu 1910 1010 Anvil 1 1911 11 and HIt The Tho first two of or these will h bo ho in till MI tree free trot tomorrow tho the thir I contender in which will be Cascade Tho The summary class pacing 1000 3 In S 5 i VI View Vies Elder br bl g. g by Box BoxElder BoxElder Elder Jr Murphy 2 2 1 i Cabel l. l b. b h. h Cox 1 1 I 1 I 2 3 1 I IRed Red ned S. S b. b B. B fL H. H Jones S I 4 4 j j i I Flax Comity ch cli g. g g f Stokes 4 S 3 3 4 4 Belle Belle b. b m rn 1 Porter G I 5 die Tommy Pointer b. b s. s line fin 7 7 lIR b. b g. g Frazier Frailer 6 dr r Time 2061 06 2073 2071 2 O on 1 trotting 1000 3 1 In 5 n J Grand Marshal 1 blk g. g by byEss Ess H. H Kay Snow Snow 3 1 l 1 t Eleanore G G. G hr br m. m Colby 1 s 5 Frances France Graham br m. m Geers Goers 2 1 J 2 s sJohn 2 John 0 O. h. h g. g Ashley 6 I 3 4 b. b s. s Goddard S 5 4 5 Grace Flagler Flaler b. b f. f Rodney 4 dr Or Time 2101 2083 2121 12 I class trot 1000 2 In 3 1 j Marl Marigold old b. b in ma by Delham Deiham MurphY Murphy Murphy Mur Mur- phy 1 l 1 Robert b. b g. g Snow 2 j j Oakdale g. g gg C McDonald 3 2 4 Chene Cheney b. b m m. m Fleming 5 3 b. b B. B 4 5 Peter ter Thompson b. b f g. g Serrill 6 dl Time Tints i I 1 |