Show 4 COMMUNICATION j i I w t Editor of or Tho Republican Herald In your our issue of ot March 27 27 1913 yon you yonae gave e a. nn an account of ot the accident which occurred on tho the ate Midvale car lino line tho thus day previous March arch 26 6 In this article article arti arti- I cle de you OU quote at somo some length lens tho statements state state- merits ments of or Senator who as your our article states Investigated In to some ome ex extent extent extent ex- ex tent the hab habits habits ts of ot carmen In running y their cars Among things the article states that they are in tho the habit 1 of ot frequently running over railroad Ii crossings 9 without flagging them as hI prescribed b by not only the company company's f rules but by a 3 state statute This statement is Is wo we think a rank ronk I. I Injustice to the carmen oC ot our city an and I we wo take e this means of or informing your paper and through that th the public that g gwo wo o consider it on only 1 Justice to us ns as a i bod body of men inca discharging our duties to tho the best of our ability that you yon state te positively that such procedure duro will t not bo tol tolerated a rd b by tho management of ot the the- I Utah Light Railway company and should a A. carman violate this rule he II IB 1 immediately discharged Another char charge c made In the same sama article Is that It Is Js a a. common comm occurrence occur occur- renco rence that crews cret creton on this line lino are ore fre- fre fre 4 guilty guilt of or drunkenness To this we wish wIli to ta say that It is Js our opinion that Senator Edgheill who ho makes the char charge e has bas been misinformed The carmen on penalty of immediate charge are aro forbidden the use of or liquor In an any form torm while on duty Consequently Consequent Consequent- Iv ly this Insinuation on tho the character of the carmen running on the tho lines hines of ot tho the city Is ls vor very vary unjust 1 GEORGE FAWSON FA I S S. S H NEVE J. J L. L E Committee I j |