Show UNITARIAN SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING PICKS OFFICERS Advisory Board of at Twelve Choen tor toI to I r Work With Uh ln faster lor R Rev r P. P 31 1 I Bennett Ben cn- cn nett Directors Director tor ire Aro SI Selected ct I. I i A large percentage nta c of the membership member- member ship of oC the Unitarian society attended the annual meeting and supper holdIn hold in Unit Unity hall ban last night Following the supper which was served r ed at o'clock three directors n were elected Henry Henry- W. W Lawrence was elected re-elected and IL It V V. V Thompson and Dr William WilliamD D IX Moore were chosen to succeed D. D B B. B Blackmore and Geor George c na bould An a advisory alsol hoard board 0 of twelve members mem- mem j bers hers to serve acne with the pastor pasto Rev Re F. F M. M t 1 Bennett was elected ejected as follows I I IX 1 B B. Blackmore E B. A. A Cummings 3 Mrs s. s J J. J B. B Wells VeIls Mrs F. F H H. Fowler Miss Hilda HUdt Youngberg Ernest M. M 1 Fowler bowler Mrs BoO li Hawley Capt I Edwin G. G Brown Mrs A. A G G. Malian Mahan Miss MIt 8 Leo Trent Miss Caroline Harrison and Mrs John Zink Following the membership mooting meeting tho the new board met and antI elected Miss Hilda Youngberg secretary and amI Capt Edwin G. G Brown tr treasurer Tho The election elec clec- tion of a president was continued until un- un 7 til the next meeting of ot the board Thet The present president Judge D D. N N. p t 1 will T serve until until hl his successor or is chosen Si |