Show W. W H. H n Osborne Chosen to iBe Be e Commissioner of Internal Revenue Washington ton April prU 8 Among Amon Among the time nominations to be sent to tho tim Senate this week by President Wilson It was learned toda today will wi be William H. H Osborne Os- Os borno borne of Greensboro N. N C. C as ns commissioner commissioner commis commis- of ot internal revenue and Robert RobertW W Woolcy Wooley as auditor for tor the tho depart depart- depart I ment 1 W W. W W. 1 Warrick of Ohio member of at tho the efficiency and economy corn commis I sion slon is understood to be under serious consideration for tor comptroller of or the tIme treasury treasur The Time nominations of ot Walter aler K IL Pago Page to bo ho ambassador to Great Greal Britain and John E. E Osborne former governor of oC Wyoming to be first assistant tant secretary secre secre- tar tary of oC state probably will wi be madeo made tomorrow o mno |