Show CHINESE REPUBLICS REPUBLIC'S PARLIAMENT MEETS AMID TION r Members Members' Nearly A All Dressed I in European Fashion With lith 1 F Frock rock Coats f EKING ING 8 Tie The first JL ment or of the worlds world's s 's youngest o re republic republic re- re public was 38 Inaugurated toda today amid general rejoicings not only in Sn tho the Chinese capital but throughout the l country The scan s of th the t n o nr t n. n th VL LU r joint Inaugural R session lS on of th the mem- mem l l' l ers of the Senate Senn te and th the House of or Representatives es was a remarkable ore one 1 m c d representatives es out of oC a l total of JC and senators out of fit 1 74 all aJl of ot them earnest looking men oC ot years rca rs and nearly all d dressed in HI l fashion with frith frock coat coat ll awaited the appointed d hour homo of ot opening As th the clock struck 11 several c ban bands s played the tho national anthem while tho assemblage laJ e rose to it Us its feet The senior members of or the time house of or Ij representatives then made e a few ew conf con- con f remarks to the notable t I gathering and formal formally declared r d both houses open Scenes of oC enthusiastic Jubilation followed fol tol- fol- fol lowed lote before an nn adjournment was ona wasI I I taken to April 12 The proceedings were T brief and impe Thc They were watched with In In- In tet terest t b by a no large number of ot tor foreigners who rho had packed the galleries Outside vast crowds thronged th the theY Y I precinct of ot the parliament buildings send and cheered as a salute of or guns gun boomed from the city wall Observed n ns I G General holiday All 11 the streets of or the city were wee with flags nn and triumphal i arches r The occasion was observed as asa a general holiday throughout China Yuan Shi Kals Kal's message message to p ment which was not read publicly Y since his presidency Is still provisional of oC hearty congratulations and the expression of or hope that the lc c would last years The American charge 9 has Intimated to the Chinese government that recognition of ot the republic by th the tho United States will ill be made when hen the parliamentary officers have hn been beCu appointed appointed ap ap- ap- ap pointed pointed and quorums declared Brazil and i-and Mexico will act at the same time fiK as R the United States The other powers power probably will defer action un until after Uhe the thc election of or the president which will lC he several months hence Yunn Yuen Shi lint l nl d There I Is considerable Je hostility II lo to Yuan uan Shi Stet Kai Come Fome members of or parM- parM ain nt distrust him Kin because p. p 11 he lie lon long Ions supported the Manchu Mancini dynasty rna tr fear real ho lie is planning to make mak himself a 1 dictator or 01 oven men proclaim himself em- em m- m Ills r recent removal to a 3 resilience rest rest- In the palace within tho tisA For- For hidden hl den City it has strengthened th the latter Jatter suspicion There Is a 1 definite conflict b between tT een the provisional president and the l j ment for power Yuan Tuan Shi Kai I in ing that with the the- present insecure con- con it federation the financial difficulties of or ChIna Milna and antI ti the e bitter bitter- political contro- contro the government go cannot h be he con- con teil unless s It is highly centralized centralized- In other words unless he himself possesses pos- pos practically dictatorial power If Ie some crisis does docs not alter their in tn- tn lions the parliamentary senta- senta s will draft raft a constitution before electing a permanent president nt In Tn Inthe Inthe the meantime the they will permit Yuan Shi Kai Rai to continue In the office of ot the th-i th provisional presidency The Tho American group of ot financiers will trill close their offices shortly in Pekin their representatives returning to New NewYork ew York ork o- o |