Show I TiTHE C THE PATIENCECOMPANY Their Party Last Evening Chimes of Normandy to be Presented Next The members of the Patience Opera Company and a few invited friends assem bled in Calders Hall last evening and enjoyed the fruits of their recent labors The members with one or two excep tions appeared in the costumes worn in the opera Fred Clawson as the attenuated attenu-ated solicitor in his yellow vest and spiketailed coat created a great deal of merriment After dancing had been indulged in i until about midnight the party repaired to the Arbogast Parlors where a repast was spread in so tenipting a manner that even the wsthetic Bunthorne and Gros venor to say nothing of the twenty lovesick love-sick maidens and the score of dragoons overcame their diffidence and partook of it with avidity The party was most thoroughly enjoyed by all present It is now pretty definitely settled that Patience will be presented at both Og den and Logan although no dates have been fixed It is also contemplated as soon as the furore created by the recent presentations of Patience in a measure I subsides to rehearse and produce another opera and Chimes of Normandy will probably be selected There is no reason why the Patience company could not successfully suc-cessfully present this most beautiful of all light operas The role of Gaspard the miser is somewhat heavy but could be mastered by J D Spencer without difficulty while Miss Thatcher would be as successful with the role of the misers daughter as she was with Patience The announcement that Prof Krouses company com-pany will present the Chimes of Normandy Nor-mandy will be received with delight by the public |