Show BUSINESS CARDS S CATARRH IIIGGINS TOSo 1 2i AID 3 DR to cure nUo2oescs if warranted casuain l Itcmedv Is Office No 1 Main directions nee followed I Street nn M IIS STltEETdIIRDEE 2i2 STltEETd ALL AT 10 0 Clit House and Ice Dr C doors north ° f Clft Analytic Ih sic j Vople aud Physic Ian gie llicj ± JCrr before taking medicine of Ian the else Alllia fers by mail promptly filled moue DrC W Higffins No 272 Main Street Address SaltLale City Utah Emigrants Attention FORt FOR-t SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS In Edbles and Groceries and Choice Cigars and Tobacco call on S 2E = C IEZoo23a2ay U he DEXVEB HOUSE opposite D R G Depot > t tllrs Mrs Dr 31 B Jlallorys ltr JItcdica1 Par ors Vo 24 W Third South Street second door west Of Clift House GENERAL PRACTITIONER PRACTI-TIONER Treats all Diseases Acute or Chronic Obstetrics Diseases of Women and Children Pneumonia Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria given special attention by combining internal medication with our New Triple Medicated Vapor Bat s i Can remove all poisonsmercurial lead syph tic etc Invaluable to Consumptives Consumpt-ives Otlicc Hours 8 to 12 am and 3 to 7 pm C W Mallory General Assistant fjg References Messrs F Foote Assayer George Davis Merchant KE CITY UTAH V V7 GEE A ttoJueyat La REAL ESTATL SPECIALTY Room No 2 li ion KIck Main Street Salt lake City Utah F O NOHOLS D EZ T r5D IS T OFFICE opposite Walker House Telephone in Office Anesthetics given E GILLETTE Civil Engineer and U S Deputy Mineral Min-eral Surveyor Contracts taken for all kinds of grading including in-cluding Railways Canals Tramways and Wagon Roads I Office No 19 Commerce Building U S DEPOSITARY eseret Nation l Bank SALT LAKE CITY Paid in Capital 200000 Surplus = 200000 H S Eldredge President Wm Jennings Vice Prest 1 Feramorz Little John Sharp Directors Ym AY Kiter L S Hills Cashier J has T Little Asst Cashier Ecccires Deposits Payable on Demand Burs and Sells Exchange on New York San Francis Chicago St Louis Omaha London Lon-don and principal continental cities Makes Collections Remitting Proceeds rrompllj lrQmpllcCORNICK CO BA ERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH And Hailey Idaho Trallsurt Every Description of Banking Business CORRESPONDENTS Importer and Traders National Bank N Y Commercial National Bank Chicago Ills First t National Bank Chicago Ills Chemical National Bank N Y Omaha National Bank Omaha First National Bank San Francisco Cal hoop tze Brothers N Y state Savings Association St Louis I rocker Woolworth Co San Francisco Cal sty National Bank I > e t crT cr-T RJOXES JOxrs s j LYNN TR JONES Co BANREBS Salt Lake City Utah Transact a Genera l Banting Business in nil its Branches Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange Careful attention given to Collections and re ittances made on day of payment toes fM ifr ttlg tllLlaol1 Cibltonl Estate llt lqu t5Q 8Peciai lllOU attention given to the Selling of Ores of which Con touched Gonsigtuneuts are and Advances Silver made on ore Base Bullion Gold cr bars shipped for refining CORRESPONDENTS New 0 York J B Colgate Co Omaha hlc Omaha National Ilunk San Franciscot National Ban Deliver Bank If California orndo National Bank Wells Faro r Coos BANK SUr hire un UTlI Foreign f Grllrral Itaulfn 9 llltsincs Transacted old 111 sad Domestic Exchange bought and ale Special or ores attenti amid bn 111 givemr to the purchase and Ueturlls bullion rent rates for eoUectIons promptly made at cur andTeleraphic t tlJ transfers traOeler mnl1e Bud commercial priacia1citiCredits issued available In the Rail f the 1I In l aes world d t ltlon ndeutc to our Bank correspond lonu We t fl Express Agency In almost every the tpeeal fUcilitilC Rocky Mountains affords us txccutlu for collections com 01r 01 making and Accounts of SI ons jnd J manuiacturI of nks and Bankers mercantile rec epm zanies ring firms corporations min r celcd stock ta1 Wfa growers and individuals favorable terms lieIVYork CORRESPOYDE iTS San jfiraucsco Wells Fargo Co e 1011 Wells Fargo Co phi r sago Maverick National Bank DlnclllUIlU Merchants National Bank Oencr Third National Bank sriiaba First National Bank y Louis First National Bank p 1f lean S 0 Boatmen Savings Bank Iait Louisiana National Bank Ildon Lherbette Kane Co 0 Wells Fargo Co R esP ectfu peetfuUr I I J E DOOLY Agent i I From the Gunnison ReviewPress THE Sait Lake DEMOCHAR the new administration ad-ministration organ in Zion made its appearance ap-pearance last Monday evening It is a neat creditable looking sheet published by the Salt Lake Democrat Co It starts out with an excellent patronage and gives promise of a lone life t SandDurg g iufion S Garner 1 llaantattrer and Dealers in all isds cf FURNITURE i SPRING BEDS AND MATTRESSBS1 tot We make a Specialty of the MANTLE WOVEN WIRE AND NEW ADJUSTABLE ADJUST-ABLE SPRING BEDS Also I School Furniture d 36 s Main Street Opposite Z C 31 I i i P 0 Box C93 SALT LAKE CITY r + t a H 00 P O Q w > H H S Hr r 05 O H w s o O H o o o o I 05O O a o Z H of 14 H r te < r eg 11 Z Z o o en O 0 0 9 H PJ H 03 D o = PH H 7 i q q H CO 7q Z 0 P o r M y a H i 1i 1111 Q ri ii iI otC ot-C O 8 00 a rn M g rl 0 tit 8 i 1 8 = 4 0 I i ffd I A LQ U Ar Q r N PJ 6il z a V A H H M ro c 0r r B 5 zJ zO 30 Ii CJ J1m m O c t m r g H t1 02 02PS PSH o b rr o Q PS CQ O 3 r I cc 0 = 13O O O Q ti o gl w H A Et 02 t ° r z Z I 14HO H 02 H I BOLIVAR ROBERTS W A NELDEN Roberts Nelden0 tiVe Offer to the Trade the Largest and Best Stock OF x rx DRUGS > ASSAYERS MATERIAL We are Agents for TOILET s9R ° ICLES all the Lead + DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES ing Lines of Goods we Carry Surgical Instruments and can offer bet 45 Etc Etc ter prices than ever before EVER BROUGHT given ENTIRE OUTFITS to this roD yr e1 Market DRUG a STORES a FURNISHED AT FIVE DAYS NOTICE WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD WRITE FOR PRICES OR SEND TRIAL ORDER 220 Main Street opposite Postoffice Salt Lake City COHN BROS WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE LINE OF Black and Colored Silks TO BE DISPOSED OF AT GREAT BARGAINS WE HAVE ALSO OPENED A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF Allover Embroideries Allover Irish Points Allover Oriental laces Allover Everlasting Laces Allover Turkey Reds WITH THE PRETTIEST LOT OF ORIENTAL FBLC > UrJCJES ANI > LACEJS WE HAVE EVER SHOWN Also a Large Lot of Black Jerseys NE V GrOOD r w WILL NOW BE COMING IN DAILY C 0 H N BROS POSTOFFICE BOX 973J TELEPHONE No 2GG1 F f A ea PASCOE DEALER IN Lime Cement Plaster Hair Building Rock TERRA COTTA SALT AGENT FOR The Utah Lime and Cement Co Sanpete Palace Stone Co Utah t US Encaustic Tile Company Indianapolis IndF Beck Cos Lincrusta Hangings New York Manilla Building Material Marbalized Mantles Grates Architectural Sheet Metal Work Etc WARWICK BLOCK FIRSTSOUTH STREET SALT LAKE CITY e FT HOU SALT LAKE CITY RATES 150 to 200 Per Day Corner Main and Third South Streets S O EWING Prop CK Satisfactory rates > made by week or month a THE SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT DAILY 33 ° p > M FOR SOUTHERN UTAH 430 r M FOR NORTHERN UTAH Sep1i ° w ee 1y EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY V J eek1y EVERY SATURDAY DAILY per year in advance 750 six months 400 three months 200 Per month 75c Size 24x36 inches seven broad columns to the page printed with New Type New Power Press New Enginethe handsomest paper in Utah SEMIWEEKLY same size as the daily 300 per year 200 eight months 100 six months cash with the order WEEKLY 26x40 eight broad columns to the pagethe best Family Literary paper in the mountains 200 per year 100 six months cash with the order Agents Wanted Throughout the Territory 1 The SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT will fully sustain the principles of the National Democratic party as enunciated by its National Conventions and exemplified in the teachings of its great founders 2 It will advocate the doctrine that the people of Utah have wisdom enough and patriotism enough to govern themselves that the affairs of church and State ought to and must be forever separate and distinct and that every citizen should obey the laws 3 We believe that all the difficulties which surround the people of Utah will find a peaceful remedy if absolute freedom of discussion can be secured and independent inde-pendent individual judgment expressed 4 The SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT will use the language of moderation and will revile re-vile no man for opinions sake While firm in its advocacy of correct political principles prin-ciples it will respect the rights of all others to hold contrary opinions jf Full Telegraliic Dispatches from all parts of the world and all local news of general interest I Address SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT 00 9 31 AND 33 E FIRST SOUTH ST Sa1tLake Olty I MADSENS FllrniturB Emporium Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture Upholstery AND CARPETS Of Every UDeacrlptioix i I have Just opened In my New Warerooms Ware-rooms the Most Elegant Finest AHD COMPLETE STOCK OF = FlUBNITUBE Ever brought to Utah Call and examine my Goods and Prices and satisfy yourself and remember I am Never Undersold 51 AND 53 FIRST SOUTH STREET East of Descret National Bank and 42 SOUTH MAIN STREET P vv II 1Iadscn tot Early Breakiast COOK STOVES u Paris Ranges Stove Trimmings WHOLESALE and RETAIL P VV MADSEN Co 51 and 63 E FirSt South Street CLOSING OUT Regardless of Cost Our Entire Stock of SHIRTS UNDERWEAR HOSIERY NOTIONS And the Most Complete Stock of JEwEI R Y Ever brought to the Territory BAMBEHGEE Co Two Doors South of Postoflke D R G W Coal Agency 145 S MAIN STREET O P A E C 1 23 1 0 e 1 a k a 23o e s r 3SL 23O a a S o 33 c D1 13 33t i i Lh t t 37 V e 13 c a O 1 C O a 1 o o 1 e a a y 1 1 ct o W C > O a t O 1 cL c All of the above Coals are thoroughly screened and clean Prompt Delivery Guaranteed Telephone No 211 SELLS BURTON Co Managers NO MORES jSe3acaiug East FOR UNLAUNDERED SHIRTS We Will Give You The BEST MADE PRICE ONE DOLLAB 1 A GOOD ONE FOE 1 Seventyfive Cents Mail Orders Must be Accompanied by Cash j Postage on Each Shirt 12 cents Money Refunded Re-funded if Goods not Satisfactory Rules for Self Measurement Furnished on Application W H YEABIAET CO 1 I 142 Main St Salt Lake City 4 4 4tf 1 i v < j JJ i 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