Show C1L TOTS Dick at the Theatre to TuJEEmYED igM floor has been laid iu the A SJW 1i 1 1tgitclt drug store 5 each con A p8g and a trespasS in the PolIce toWs doings E tutcd todY s 0 r nrt conference is Davis CountY Stake rIlE and Woods Cross today an at 1A nt held tUo morrow and American e Fork Mill Creek THE teams had a contest today at the utter place natic of Norway was a flAils 85W J > D citizenship in the DIstrIct U 1 to 2ernOOn m C9rs bullion i and sixteen of E lOlITEE sUpped out of this CIty during rc reTe he week just ended CRESCET stock is still held at 1 with Ljelv cents bid A block of 500 shares r s E Oid on Thursday at the latest figure the shooting match between the Is I l Creek and American Fork teams at lie the American th latter place today 1 forkers OIl by three points IHE Etcmng News can swallow the ljamlcss Eden performance without I angle but its soul revolts at McKee Rankin THE matinee at the Theatre this afternoon after-noon was very well attended Sheridans gagemcnt closes this evening with Rka III OE of the most noticeable improve eats of the present week is the fine plaltum floor that has been laid in larkilcKiinmons stable THE friends of Mr Henry Cohn con lemplated tendering that gentleman and is bride a reception upon their return 3m New York next week THE D R G express that arrives evening will bring twentythree passers pas-sers eighteen of whom are emigrants and for Idaho and Nevada j Xo news of an important nature has ply been received from Alta About enty people are left in the place in lading one woman who refused to leave her the recent disaster ALVIN JOSLYN who was booked at the faker Opera House for the 11th has 35tponedliis engagement indefinitely A laurel company is announced by the anagement for conference j THESE is nothing new from the Horn per mine or smelter Major Hill in ned a DEMOCRAT reporter this morn that he could not tell when the R11r would be closed down THE next shooting match will be the rmonuily contest of the Salt Lake Club i mch will take place on the forenoon of e WIll A sweepstakes match will be ranged for the afternoon of the same I IM Central Pacific train that arrived ykkn this morning furnished ten pastor pas-tor the Union Pacific and forty par for the baby line according to the Jrlinrnished the Rio Grande office in city Ilbythian Castle last evening was ie scene of a merry sociable given by lie Knights of Pythias Fortyseven COuple were present and the dancing ns 1 varied by songs and recitations Supper was served by Stearns at 11 I oclock A GREAT many tickets for the Adam Jess Eden entertainment will be sold at pDR G office on the sly Mr Drown has already taken the names of ftome fifteen or twenty gentlemen who are front scats AT the meeting of the executive com nittCt of the Democratic Club last night p advisability of holding a public meet r m i this city during conference was SCussed Tie meeting will probably be e1d in the afternoon J WITH the exception of the DEMOCRAT A gden News was the only newspaper gave anything like a fair report of 4 4awi Democratic meeting The bids fair to be what it promised I partisan and independent OGXII Page was met on the street JY a WEMOCIIAT IOCltAT reporter today and l ked ior the returns from his White an anyon are The ickly smile Colonel smiled a and produced the follow g f1gures wo copper 132 per cent silver ounces gold O Tm Denver Rio Grand stockholders tare COl11e to the conclusion that Receiver ancroft ad and is not a Utah agent of their have r filed a notification with relarrj0 lithe t artrhoD1as fact that to that effect Consider < ii sub 1IIr Bancroft and all of or d mates 1e Jdent were discharged by Lon Lovejoy last rat JOn spring this noti 8 ems to have been It 1 is unnecessary l I estern rumored that the D R G will I u hug the construct a branch road hr Coming season from Thistle Olgh the San Pcl < 3 Valley to e a distance Marys hClTceoflo0mi1 Th pro I el t assumed a definite shape |