Show ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF MAILS I at the Salt Lake City Postofflce I ARRIVE CLOSE Eastern 800pm 730am ealifornlaand West 1100 am 34 pm Montana and North 800 pm 630 am D R G East 500 1111 1030 am Ogden Utah > 1100 am 7800m Ogden Utah 800 pm 145 pm VwkCity 800pm 730am Tooele County 400 pm 120 am Alta Utah 1020am 630am iigham Utah 400pm 630nm uthern Utah 1020om 63Oatn Millard Beaver Iron and Washington Cos 1020 am 315 pm The above Is standard mountain time JOHN T LYNCH Postmaster Salt take City Utah March 4 1883 I IF you want good drink and the best of liqora go to Business Saloon L D A YOUNGS boot and shoe store is being fitted up in handsome style Saturday shoppers will find finer goods and more favor there than elsewhere else-where o r i t S i J J D1 pccT Tr Tho renowned and Energetic 0 3E EJ O I J3L Xj I S T p Of Salt Lake City removed February 1st from Union Block into his new and elegant Medical and Surgical INSTITUTE Occupying the whole of the block over four stores one door west of the Daily Herald Building Northwest Cor of West Temple and First South Sts Tl J has leased the Block for D ir F t very fie years large and and has pleasant eight rooms thoroughly renovated painted and elegantly ele-gantly and specially furnished for operating rooms reception rooms consulting offices etc which are positively the most elegant physicians phy-sicians apartments west of Buffalo N Y The Doctor with several consulting physicians phy-sicians and surgeons at his command under large salary und heavy expenses is ready to Answer Calls Dav or Night In any part of the whole west FBEE xECTUBES FREE GYMNASIUM to Lady and Gentlemen patients with appropriate exercises for both TTK Tpi j with his several Specialists III H 00 t Special-ists the is most prepared skillful to treatment give treat-ment known to the world for all diseases and deformities known to men women and children child-ren All invalids should avail themselves of this newand much needed Medical and Surgical Sur-gical Institute DR FOOT JR and Assistants trill tell you as near the truth as possible and he is determined deter-mined that this Institute shall be above reproach re-proach in all respects and become the Most Renowned in America for its skill and reliability re-liability Suitable Board at this Institute or anypart of the city from 5 to 12 per week Invalids Should Send SIX CENTS in postage stamps for List of Questions Circulars Testimonials za Letters answered in all languages Medicines sent EVERYWHERE Call at the Institute Consultation Free Everyone Welcome and Satisfaction Positively Posi-tively Guaranteed HOME TESTIMONIALS We seldom publish names of patients and NEVER WITHOUT PERMISSION However we will give hundreds of references at our Institute I the undersigned am 56 years of age and I came to Utah twenty years ago and the hardships hard-ships soon broke me down I have tried your moat celebrated surgeons and physicians some of whom desired to operate on my womb but I preferred a natural death to so much suffering and probable death after all in fact none of them seemed to understand my case and after doctoring for many years I kept getting worse and when I employed Dr Foot Jr I was a complete com-plete wreck and almost dead My troubles were of so long standing that I was afraid that even Dr Foot Jr could not cure me Although he would not promise positively to cure me still he stated that he would try hard to cure me and thought that my chances were better under a specialists care than all of the family famHl physicians in the west So I thought myself My disease was the same as thousands of other women and I am not a woman to give up easy You can depend on the statement that not one woman in a thousand could have lived through what I have and now in only about two months treatment I can truthfully say that I feel and look like a new woman and believe myself practically cured and I have got my moneys worth for certain which no other doctor gave me before Now you sick and half dead ones dont delay In employing Dr Foot Jr I am having my daughters treated and sending all my personal friends and you can depend on lust what the Doctor says He wont lie for a little money he dont have to He has all the patients he and his doctors can wait on and he treats the poor just as well as the rich and he has my good wishes and God bless him MRS HENRY BOOTH STOCKTON Tooele County Utah This is to certify that while mining I had apiece a-piece of slag driven in my eyeball Just over the sight and that it was very painful and terribly ter-ribly inflamed and was discharging a great amount of matter before Dr Foot took my case Tne Doctor removed the ore from my eye without with-out destroying the sight and in just six days my sight is fully restored the enlarged lids en tirely reduced and all Inflammation cured The Doctor has made a wonderful and quick cure I never have seen or heard of such a complete cure In so short a time I expected he would take three to six months to cure and it has been worth twenty times as much as he charged I have seen many of his patients and they are aU as well satisfied as I am I take great pleasure In recommending all invalids to treat with Dr Foot as I consider him and his assisting physicians physi-cians tho most skilled that ever came to this country H w WINCHESTER Of Salt Lake City now of Murray Utah This is to certify that my wife was in a wretched condition troubled with Dyspepsia Liver Complaint Nervous and General Debility Heart troubles Female Weakness etc very Weak Back Headache etc She was in a terri ble condition and had given up being cured and would not have doctors any more if Dr Foot Jr had not come to Salt Lake He being a specialist I had new hopes and more faith aud when he looked at my wife and told her just her condition It gave me renewed hopes and the Dector said he was very certain tha he could greatly benefit her if not cure her and as the Doctor talked good sense and seemed skillful and honest I paid him all In advance telling him that now he would not have to worry about his pay and for him to do his best Now after a few weeks treatment I mud tell my friends and the public that I never saw or heard of such a wonderful improvement Everything the Doctor predicted has come true and she has gained in every respect as much and more than he promised Friends there is no mistake about It Dr Foot Jr is jnst the physician we have needed for mny years in Utah Take my advice and give him your case for treatment The Doctor will tell you aa near the truth as possible is my firm belief JE > TERRY DRAPERVHLE Utah 1 Js w 4 + Two or more surgeons from Dr Foot Jrs Institute No2 Salt Lake City Utah will make one visit only this year south as follows NEPHIMarch 18th 19th and 20th SANTAQUINMarch 21st PAYSONMarch 23d 24th and 25th SPANISH FORKMarch 27thAMSH 26th and 27th SPRINGVILLE March 28th PROVO CITYMarch 30th CITr 30th and 31st and April 1st I DR P1 STEINHART SPEOIALJs FORMER PARTNER OF DR MINTIE SAN FRANCISCO No 261 Main Street Opposi c Overland Honse In Union mn Room No 1 First Floor Bl ° ck Can be consulted dally from 9 consuled daiy oclock oclock am and from 2 to 530 oclock 1 ° 15 Sundays from 10 am to 12 m ne has Ila j shad twentyfive years experience in the d treatment of all Venereal Sexual and cJiCIa Diseases Syphilitic or Mercurial Affect0111 the Throat Skin or Bones NERVOUS DEni10 Impotency and Lost Manhood Exhausted vi ity Seminal Weakness SpermatorrhcPB V J1 alysis and all the terrible effects of Self a A b Par > youthful follies and excesses in natnret use Nocturnal Emissions the effects of Which Year various maddening and destructive ra destructve ITK vnrouR body and mind and unless cured will tsJi11 ate fatally The presence of the disease M ln a continual consciousness of a slow and Sf ual ttannvnf the power of body and mind ifM loss of manly power and vIgor defective blt ory heart affections loss of sight nOIses fn f tieti head and ears confusion of ideas aversfn e society excessive prostration tremblloJ t hands and limbs consumption marajto tte lmbs marlllte ultimate derangement of the marlllt aOd power becomes so weak that the T l to lose control of himself and cannot look tj square in the face I also causes DySn wand w-and Indigestion with Heart and iffi1 Diseases r Dseases lpewrrm Expelled in 24 Hours Pies Treated and Successimiy Cured Consultation at the office Is FREE and invltei Thorough examination and advice Including analysis of urine 3 All correspondent Iduly lonaeutb 272 Main streer Three Doors North of Cult House DR C W HIGGINS Microscopic and Analytical Physician THE MOST BELIABLE SPECIAl J Cures Fits In their worst forms and all Chronic Diseases Seminal Weakness Syphylis in all its forms Gonorrhoea Gleet and all disenee ofa private and confldcntialnaturo DrHha I made these diseases a specialty for the pm I I fifteen years Dr I has been in this city for the past thirteen years and in that time has cured over 1000 of the above disease Suffering friends dont delay call at once and put yourself under Dr Hs treatment ta The knowledge of disease u half its Cure J Many have been rescued from the grasp ot disease and death by my medicines who were given up as Incurable by friends and physician for the proof of this call and get their addresses ad-dresses and see them for yourselves ta CONSULTATION FREE Judi I given away to the poor DR H can be consulted daily at his office NO 272 Main St Sanpete Valley Railwy 0 Trains leave dally a follows Leave Moroni 900am Arrive at Nephi 1100am Leave Nephi 1200 m Arrive at Moroni 200 pm 3p Stages connect at Moroni for all parts of San Pete and Sevier Private teams and spring wagons can be ordered or-dered by telephone at Nephi to be ready on arrival of trains at Moroni Price J4 per day driver paying all his own expenses 9 BAMBERGER Manager Utah Central E B Passenger Trains leave Salt Lake Dally as follows lows GOING NORTH Atlantic Express at 800 aa Pacific Express at 431 pm GOING SOUTH Mllford Express at 355 pm Juab Express at 720 am Passenger Trains Arrive In Salt Lake Daily aa follows FROM NORTH Pacific Express at 1045 a m Atlantic Express at 751 pm FROM SOUTH Juab Express at 040 pm Milford Express at 1005 am IW Freight Trains leave Salt Lake dJiY except Sundays for North at 825 am and 5 J pm for South at 840 am and 135 pm JOHN SHARP Genl Snpt FRANCIS COPE Genl Fgt Pass Agt The Scenic Line OF THE WORLD Denver Rio Grande WEL1T B THE POPULAR Trans Continental Route BETWEEN Salt Lake Gunnison Leadville Pueblo and Denver At which latter points DIRECT CONNECTION are made with trains for Kansas City Omaha Chicago St Louis And all Principal Points In the United States and Canada Train leaves Sal LakeEVERY DAYat 455 D m connecting with Central acifc for he West THE AJLANuTI EXPRESS TRAIN COM posed of the Celebrated Buffet and Sleep lug Cars elegant flrstlttss Coaches and Emi grant Sleeping Cars will leave pdon daily at a 30 daty 93 am on arrival of train from San pj Cisco and Salt Lake City at 1055 maL Sal Lke Cty at am direct connection at Pueblo and Denver trains for the East North and South TiE PACIFIC EXPRESS TRAIN from Dea ver Pueblo and Eastern points will arrive II Salt Lake Cit at 45 pm and 0 arrre 611 pm makIng direct with Ndlrect connection the Ceu tral Pacific train for San Francisco and U Pacific Coast Francico tf LOCAL TRAINS leave Salt Lake for Ogden a 1 805 am 1 TJ Lave Ogden at 540 pm and arrive iu Salt Lake at 700 pm arrve Leave Salt Lake dally for BIngham at 725 am AN Returning arrive at Salt LaKe at415 P Bf ACCOMMODATON TRAIN lean Sail Lake daily except Sundays at 500 am arriving ar-riving w at Pleasant Valley Junction at 435 I pl Returning al leaves Pleasant Valley Junctiou 700 am arriving at Salt Lake at 600 pmS pm-S Tm 3E3OOlSy General Freight and Passenger Agent D A R walt Passene G Western Salt Lake City W I BANCROFT Receiver Notice for Publication No 1915 U S LAND OFFICE SAT LAKH CITY Feb 271 ls NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ThAT TI following named settlers have filed notice of their seters each in Intention to make final e support of his claim and fnal sid proof win be made as follows towit mae folows towi 3 John Flint Jr homestead entry 1 4 entr lS upon the N U SE or Sec 24 Tp 4 N R 2 and will make iefore Register an wi his proof before the Re llccelver at Salt Lake City on Saturday AP rl Cty 111885 and names as his witnesses fJ 181 nmes 8 Ide i and Ed ai son William Flint John Hodson an sr Philips Robert J Firth homestead entry O sz upon SE qr NE qrt Sec 3 Tp 5 N R1 anJ will make his proof before the Register ap i Receiver at Salt Lake City on Tuesday Apr Lke Ciys TuesdaYIllb and a 1885 and J8 names aa his witnesses naes a J0b Young John Shipley Ilitnm Alford and Jol W Krebs MR JIcMASTBR lluut Lows McMurrlllr Attys forAppl |