Show r 0 S PRESIDENT CLEVELAND Col Merrills Opinion of the Man of Destiny Xo Applicants for the Governorship of the Territory Colonel S A Merritt returned last evening from Ms sixweeks sojourn in the East looking as hearty and massive as though his contact with the seething sea of officeseekers now at Washington had failed to result in any disastrous effect ef-fect I really have nothing to tell you of importance was the declaration with which the Colonel attempted to discourage discour-age a DEMOCRAT reporter I left for the East on February 13th had a very pleasant plea-sant time and met many old friends but aside from that I am a knownothing But there is one thing you can say and say emphatically I was not an applicant for the governorship of Utah I was called East on business connected with the settlement of my fathers estate in Virginia After visiting my Virginian home I went to Washington being delegated dele-gated to act as Judge Rosboroughs proxy on the National Democratic committee I was present during the inaugural ceremonies cere-monies The weather on inauguration I day was exceptionally fine and the parade was the finest spectacle I ever witnessed I suppose you met the President Y s several times I met him first at the inaugural reception and called afterwards af-terwards with Justice Field who introduced intro-duced me to the President How were you impressed by Cleveland Cleve-land He is a very pleasant man and a strong man He expresses no opinion but listens to everything you have to say and has a habit of plying his visitors with I an infinite number of questions and imparting im-parting the least possible amount of information in-formation Were you a member of the Territorial delegation that called on him No that was all a mistake I was 150 miles away at the time I had promised to call with the party but when the time arrived I was in Virginia I afterwards met the President by appointment and had a twentyfive minutes chat with him which is a good deal of time for him to devote to an interview We discussed Territorial affairs but the President did not indicate what he intended in-tended to do He stated in a general way that he intended to adhere to the principle laid down by the National platform plat-form appoint residents of the Territories to Territorial offices When I asked him what was being done in Territorial appointments ap-pointments he dismissed the subject by saying We havent come to that yet In short he pumped me dry and left me no wiser than I was before i suppose Utah and her affairs formed one of the topics of that conversation conversa-tion Perhaps so replied the colonel who immediately became enveloped by an air of knownothingism and showed a decided de-cided inclination to wander from the pointWho Who do you think will be appointed S to the Utah Marshalship I have no more idea than the man in themoon I met Messrs Dyer and Rench who I understand are applicants I II have also been told Maj Wilkes Col Ferry and Mr Wallace are candidates Who is to be appointed to succeed Judge Emerson It is impossible to tell who will be appointed ap-pointed The applications are received filed and the assurance given that they will receive respectful consideration and that is the last that is known until the appointment ap-pointment is made I believe Mr Williams Wil-liams and Captain Smith have applied for the judgeship and some gentleman I from Missouri is also being pushed I I heard that Judge Hoge was an applicant but was informed about a week before I I left that his application had not been filedWhat What about the Governorship Nothing I dont know that there have been any applicants for that position Professor Holden was in Washington at the inauguration but only remained a few days He is now in Cleveland I suppose you met Utahs Delegate Yes I saw Mr Caine on the floor of the House several times I met him and George Q Cannon on the street last Monday What seems to be the drift of opinion ill Washington in reference to Utah affairs Well Utah seems to have been temporarily tem-porarily lost sight of in the rush for office II I I |