Show t tM a Is I P M s f 6 lIy l f rr A e r r T th- th 1 I Love My Cat meat me at night You jumped on my bed very peacefully with light quiet feet so quiet that I didn't notice I felt something some some- I woke When up The first time I ever saw you I Idid on my feet and I thing heavy did not even know your name there found were sleeping waved and you came to you out or orIn orIn wanted to go me When you got into trouble When you fresh water you the needed some In my back yard I opened wake me head to back door to let you in And you jumped on my just jumped right into my ray up house I Mimi you always thought you I human and I always told You were a smart and beautiful l were a cat were a cat I tried to feed you so you you you have know that cats stayed with me for a while Humans I buried Before you lives nine Later I found your mast master r. r I in my back yard back to master mas mas- brought your you that I hope in the told I you ter but came back to me you come back to see future you'll again This time I named you Mimi me please much Mimi I mess you very Before I adopted you my neighbor thought you were a Chen Grace Mei-Fu Mei wild cat You were trying to sleep with U. LL o.- o. co r |