Show Student Voice Q Do you think that President Clinton should be impeached and if so why Yes I l think that Clinton shoud be Ie impeached We lVe need a president who upholds traditional American values Bill Clinton has not done doge that Chrysalis M. M Jiri General Studies oi JT v vIm I Im in kind of undecided I work tork too much to keep up with current events in the news Chris Scott General Studies Yes Yes I l think that the president should be impeached He Ie is supposed to stand for our country's country s beliefs Clinton has embarrassed 0 our countr country s f- f Camilla Architecture O V- V tYes t- t I J Yes because the fact that he lied to us has been made public This whole th thing ni has gone too far fa far Amanda Architecture Yes Yes he should be he impeached I watched the videotape of his hearing before the Grand Jury and he r contradicted himself with almost every even statement he made Jake Oliphant Art fOt FOI THE Y Ke E STA RR DUG DUG- uv uP IVE I'VE s SEE IT F FE 1 LT YOUr 0 OF PAIN sECRETs sec S J r I T FIRE ANI 5 W N IVE EN N 1 w. w CAIN THE 1 1 oNLY GRIND oNT wANT AN TO TOV V MY S 6 aclu N. N Pr 0 C re I gIA W I It t 4 |