Show rr 9 j i I A FULLER PERSPECTIVE i i 1 I II I Is President Clinton Ripe for Impeachment Proceedings By Edward Fuller Opinion Editor I The political atmosphere of oft r t America is becoming tempestuous A darkening cloud of doubt douht hovers l over the most powerful resident in inthe inthe inthe the White House Bill Clinton's presidency is currently being pushed toward a rocky impeachment by hy waves of partisan and religious opposition The President has admitted that thai he had an improper relationship with wilh an intern The sexual nature of that relationship is the cause of the calls t for impeachment from conservatives and religious leaders They proclaim Ii that thai the President is obligated to lo he be a ai amoral ar r i moral exemplar for our nation although the Constitution does not include that in the job joh description What is ironic however is that many of those who are casting political political political ical stones are not without similar sins themselves Why religious leaders feel that they have the right to exert political influence is beyond me Bill Clinton is the President of the United States Slates of America not the United Church of America If religious leaders want to have a bearing hearing on political decisions they should li follow the example of Pat Pal Robertson Roberl on and run for on office ce If not they should continue continue continue con con- to perform their duties in their field of choice religion The alion of church and state stale is one of the principles that this country was L wARN 1 N IN G TH E. E SPEC rr U R RH H HD D DeTE i t E-t THAT TriA T Tf-l Tf 1 r 1 S PRODUCT 6 HAZ NAZA POt s TO MAY s syo yo tJ R P PRe R s I 1 D DE E N Ney CY o E FuLL FULLS- FULLS founded on Lets Let's keep it that way Most people will admit that Bill Clinton has been competent in fulfilling fulfilling fulfilling ful ful- ful- ful filling the main requirements of his job He le has taken measures to lo strengthen the national economy and it has prospered under his stew stew- President Clinton has proven himself a capable leader in foreign relations and in lighting ter- ter I dont don't think that President Clinton has been the greatest president president dent of this century but I dont don't think that one can I find nd evidence that missteps missteps mis- mis steps in his personal life have affected affect affect- ed his performance on the job Observers from foreign countries are often heard to lo express surprise that Clinton's personal affairs are worthy of public consideration Many of the conservative politicians politicians politicians who clamor for Clinton's impeachment view Ronald Reagans Reagan's presidency as a model to be imitated Their view seems out of focus because Reagans Reagan's presidency was marked by a scandal of a much larger larg larg- er scope than Clinton's scandalous personal life The Iran Contra affair involved ups higher-ups in the Reagan administration tion lion giving arms to lo terrorists in exchange for hostages and the secret financing of foreign wars without the approval of Congress If Reagan was ignorant or devious enough to permit such dirty dealings to proceed during his watch how did he escape impeachment It was because Reagan wasn't publicly viewed through a partisan microscope the way Clinton has been Partisan politics politics politics pol pol- and leaders do nothing to improve the daily existence existence existence exis exis- tence of the average US U.S. citizen stable leadership docs does Let the President finish his term Just make sure you vote for the person that you think represents you best next time I know that I am selling setting myself up to lo catch a lot of flak for my ion I questioned some students students students stu stu- stu- stu dents and their replies made me aware that my opinion is probably not a popular one on our campus Feel free to lo write in your responses to lo my opinion so that the reasons why you support impeachment are arc made clear |