Show t. t Editorial New year year yeara a good timeto timeto time time- timeY Y to analyze past and forge forgeon on towards new horizons Paul Stevenson Editorial Editor EditorS AS S we embark upon o our r respective jo journeys into 1993 it may be beneficial to look back briefly at 1992 and evaluate our failings and w weaknesses weaknesses weak weak- ak- ak nesses not to flail upon our pur sense of self w worth rth- rth but rather but as a strategy to resolve our past miscal miscalculations and transgressions pur During ng 1992 we have have enjoyed both successes as well as failures we have probably harmed or offended d as well as asa a assisted and encouraged others Rather than languishing in in th the memories of past obstacles obstacles' and inadequacies we need to qui quickly kly ascertain where and how we went went- astray and then to quickly quick- quick ly Jy formulate a plan of action so that w we can move into 1993 with a fresh slate and clear conscience In keeping with ith this philosophy and andas as the new editorial editor I believe that this is the best course to follow concerning concerning concern concern- ing the opinion pages which include the Readers' Readers Voice Horizon editorials staff editorials and guest editorials Readers' Readers Voi Voice to the e are strongly encouraged because after all all this is your paper and we want to hear pear from yo you even if you disagree with one of our Horizon editorials staff editorials or or guest e editorials ri h. h This makes for more thought- thought provoking dialogues and ideas which makes life much more interesting ting Freedom of of speech and self expression expression s- s sion are secured for all of us in the first first- amendment of o our r US U.S. Constitution these rights rights' are hel held by me to be virtually virtual virtual- ly sacred These rights rights' are re not however absolute We do not have the right to yell fire in our crowded cafeteria at lunch time With this line of thought involving the opinion pages Rages I do not deem that anyone has has' th the right to malign or libel another person nor the right to degrade mock or ridicule others of different eth ethnic ethnic eth- eth nic bac backgrounds grounds genders or religious beli beliefs even evert if the writer believes believes' these assertions to be true because of racism sexism or just plain ignorance Keep those letters coming in with the thought of promoting new and var varying ing ideas and concepts remembering that disagreement and dissent are healthy for a free community I will do my part by trying my best to provide informative informative informative tive fair contemplative and unprejudiced unprejudiced unprejudiced un un- un- un prejudiced staff and guest editorials |