Show Music department experiencing growth John Draper Staff Writer has a growing music S department offering opportunities opportunities opportunities for interested students to perform in n vocal or instrumental instrumental instrumental in in- groups as well as gain knowledge in music theory and history Music I Instructor Helen said the Music Department is barely getting started This quarter er the department is offering Class Piano Music and at Music Theory I Music Musk at and Red Red- wood Music Theory I is a beginning beginning beginning begin begin- ning class in music theory offered offered of of- feted to students with an interest interest interest in in- terest in music Music Fundamentals a a class teaching teaching teaching teach teach- ing basic concepts such as rhythm and note reading was offered at fall quarter Students interested in music history can take Music and Culture Music or Survey of Music History Music Music and Culture is a five- five credit class that covers several historical periods in one quarter Music history a series of three-credit three classes is more in-depth in and covers less time per quarter said that future additions to the program willbe will willbe willbe be more theory and piano classes and music library in including including including in- in music and listening stations She said that there are plans for a piano lab on the Redwood Campus Campusand and possibly a fine arts building attributes much of the programs program's growth to the interest and support of President Frank Budd who is isa isa isa a musician In In addition to the new academic programs ms there are several new performing groups on campus including a pep band the Singers a small auditioned vocal ensemble the College Chorale and the Community Choir These performance performance performance per per- groups are under the direction of newest music faculty member Lyle Ar Ar- A special project class also is available to students interested in composition or performing in small vocal or instrumental ensembles The Pep Band will perform at home basketball games Archibald believes that cooperation with other organizations organizations organizations or or- and activities such as sports will help create support for the music pro pro- gram Pep band auditions willbe will willbe willbe be held at pm p.m. on Friday Jan 8 in W at Archibald said that many students interested in playing playing playing play play- ing in a pep band are playing playing playing play play- ing with the U of U pep band because of lack of publicity about the ban band l. l He exp expects to find more players for the band to add to those who participated participated participated par par- last quarter The Singers is a group featuring select singers They wi will 11 be participating participating participating par par- this quarter in the Intercollegiate Chorale Festival Festival Festival Fes Fes- a festival of college choirs from all an over the state The Si Singers will be showcased showcased showcased show show- cased in other concerts and performances throughout the quarter See Music on page eight i Music Other vocal groups open to students are the Stud Student nt Chorale and Community J Choir The Chorale meets at 10 am a.m. Mondays Wednesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays Wednes Wednes- days and Fridays at the Redwood Redwood Red Red- wood campus and the Community Community Community Com Com- Choir meets at pm p.m. on Wednesdays at Both gr groups ups are open to anyone with a desire to sing Archibald said that he would like to make the Community Choir strong and viable He has plans for a larger auditioned auditioned auditioned audi audi- choir of 50 to 75 select voices voices' He feels that the talent and desire can be found somewhere somewhere somewhere some some- where within large en en- All performance groups can taken for one credit For more information about the music department contact Helen at or Lyle Archibald at |