Show Mark Fisher replaces Dave Daye Carlson as r r president Car Carlson son appointed president large preside t large at-large F Paul Stevenson Staff Writer A Acting President and Executive Vice President Mark Fisher was appointed by the Executive Council as s the new president Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day Dec 29 Dave Carlson who was vas elected stud president last spring sprin-g will be retained by bythe bythe bythe the Executive Council under a anew anew anew new title president large president at which authorizes authorize him to vote and participate in Executive Council meetings These changes changes changes chan chan- became effective Monday Jan 4 Carlson was severely injured injured in in- J last July in an auto accident accident acci acci- dent den t and Fisher said it was questionable whether Carlson could fulfill his responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities as president president president dent because of the nature of his extensive injuries However However However How How- ever Carlson has rebounded much faster than expected and is returning to this time full student quarter quarter-as as sa a We hope this is a win-win win situation Fisher said Its lilts not what he Carlson wanted but we all agreed that this is what is best for Dave and the as a whole Carlson feels he can still fulfill fulfill fulfill ful ful- ful- ful fill the duties of president but buthe buthe buthe he is willing to go along with 4 s r r 1 wry 7 r E w a h S SS 6 the Executive Councils Council's decision The liThe and the Executive Council supported me while I was in the hospital r S S r M 3 w 4 i iV t. t If T I- I c t. 11 r V Y r. r oj of r t ito i J to l.- l. r c t f Yf 11 i J. J s. s J 1 t 1 rr z r f. f t. t ht JI I. I iI J o 1 l' l i t i L iT I e. e ta ft Horizon photos Ed lEd tale Lie Dave Carlson Carison left who was elected president last spring will now serve as president at Mark Fisher who has acted as president since July officially took over the office on Monday so I feel I 1 should support them in this decision Carlson said Im lm not negative about the situation the Executive Council Coun Coun- cil did what was best Fisher said the duties of a a. president large t at are are not yet defined but bu he expects that Carlson will continue with some some of his original goals and plans to give give moti motivational give i spy speeches S These things are not spelled out in the constitution but we have to be human abo about t. t it Fisher said II A A lot of us have lost a lot of sleep over this Gordon Wilson di director rector of student t activities ties said We dont don't want to throw Dave back to th the lions hes he's in a unique position now to help a lot of students Wilson further said that they came ame to this decision so D Dave ve can focus s on school and recovery without becoming overloaded With Fisher moving to o the position of president a a vacancy was created in the executive e vice presidents president's spot on the Council The Executive Ex Council Co is currently currently currently cur cur- accepting applications fo for forthe forthe the executive vice p presidents president's nt's position and will interview applicants applicants applicants ap ap- ap- ap after Wednesday Jan 20 The executive vice president officiates as Chair of f the Stud Student nt Senate appoints appoints ap ap- points a a. a pro pro- tern pro em to conduct t Student Senate meetings in his absence serves as President upon the presidents president's a absence sence acts acts' a as Ch Chair ir of St Student Student Stu Stu- dent Senate Senat Standing Commit Standing Commit Committees tees arid and the Election Commit Commit- tee He also is responsible for for- submitting weekly reports Yo to the President and the Student Senate |