Show i P TW I I Kevin Peterson instructor I tJ tJI I II I I 10 I Ii i r I i i r 40 qi 1 y 0 J I I I Y P It i f fr r r to 1 a. a rn it rt r lit i J 4 Sr Sri i W I i or V if 2 or 6 Jf f d de e v- v vj j 7 J v i- i h to I t 7 f. f I a. a 1 y r 1 15 y w J. J 4 I t j. j 1 r t t r r.- r. g f t tt r t r tr r. r 14 1 Ii r 0 M ii-M t I 2 l 1 J r t r ft f r 1 1 J L I I I I II II I II I I The Bravest of Them All On April 14 three students students students stu stu- dents from Utah Technical College put themselves to the test to find out how brave they are and how much they really seek thrills and ture Dave Burgin Mike and Ken Judd took this day to experience the of the paced fast-paced sport of sky Mel Van Zeben was on hand to record this event on film fum Everyone met at The College College College Col Col- lege Center at 8 30 a am a.m. jn then drove to the Cedar Valley Airport for the initial jump instructions which included the parachute landing fall By jumping from a large platform they learned how to get in and out of the airplane a C At this point they discovered the jump commands Feet Out Swing Out Go By this time many would have quit knowing they were going to hang on the wing of an airplane feet above the ground and then let go But everyone had to stay they had already paid their money Finally the big moment arrived The fearless threesome threesome threesome three three- some yanked on their gear and headed for the plane Three thousand feet later the jump starter K Kevin Peterson Peterson Peterson Peter Peter- son opened the door and looked at Ken giving him the long-awaited long jump command Feet out Swing Out Go Ken let go and about three 1 jt jA 1 t fir J 4 H 1 11 It 1 Jt f IV 2 la 19 I 0 h Jd 1 An 1 4 J I eh Les Ashton Dave Bergin and Ken Judd prepare to go airborne Mike gets geared up fi f y r l s l's ea t Jumpmaster Brent Pende Pendelton on takes the dive oi i t 1 Ii J y Ar Z 7 M j y i j J J 1 i 6 ot IF rt 4 I I I 1 I 14 I II r M 1 I r rM 1 W seconds later silence the singular sound was the airplane flying away the edge of the canopy ruffling in the breeze The plane made another pass and Mike jumped then Dave They landed five minutes later and were ready to pick up and do it all over again Be sure to 10 watch for a asky sky skydive dive demo on Spring Festival Festival Festival Fes Fes- Day May 14 Brad Casper sky diving president and friends from the drop zone will be on hand to present present present pre pre- sent the sport of the space age Photos by Mel Van Vall Zeben I i iI I II I rry i r y Signing liability fy Brad Casper discusses previous jumps r 1 GI I i I 1 i e p. p Instructing shock |