Show Playgirl Joins Campus Nude Hunt Following in the footsteps of Playboy magazines magazine's generating city-generating campus search for models Playgirl magazine has launched a campaign to find male students on Ivy League campuses who are interested in interested interested in- in in posing nude for an upcoming photo layout The response has been great says Play Playgirls Playgirl's girls girl's Kevyn Allard except at Harvard and Yale At those schools she says theres there's been no response response res res- at all not even a negative negative negative nega nega- tive one Conversely Playboy has managed to stir up controversy controversy controversy contro contro- versy on almost every campus if its s visited since it published a Girls of the Ivy League U photo layout last year At Baylor University President President President dent Abner McCall threatened threatened threatened to discipline any student student student stu stu- dent who posed nude and was identified as a Baylor student Shortly thereafter three members of the Baylor Lariat staff were fired for publishing editorials critical of McCalls McCall's stance But Play Playgirls Playgirl's girls girl's Allard maintains maintains maintains main main- that none of the controversy controversy controversy contro contro- versy and thus none of the publicity has plagued Alison Morley Motley Play Playgirl girl photographer and centerfold coordinator in her campus visits This Tills is not the first time however that Playgirl has scouted for models on cam cam- pus Two previous layouts men from Pac 10 schools and Harvard were very popular with readers Allard reports If all goes well in the Ivy League We could very well do other schools Although less widespread than the opposition that Playboy Playboy Playboy Play Play- boy encountered on campus there has been some concerned concerned concerned con con- criticism from both male and female students Playgirl condones violence violence violence vio vio- lence against women charges Robert Gluck Glucka a member member member mem mem- ber of Cornell ornell University's Men Against Rape and Sex Sex- ism The magazine he says represents men as tough abusive and dominant But Pamela Schott took the statement less seriously With Playgirl it is a kind of game more like a parody she told the Cornell Daily Sun SUIl doing it to make a point The point says Playgirl photographer Morley is men should be just as able to pose nude as women I think men will be responsive responsive responsive res res- Morley says We now have a liberated era where men have the right to show their bodies like women do |