Show school lineup line up it wa v a announced monday zei by I count county school superintendent ze noi 1101 L black that hint ill III school I sl lions in ill 11 ll 0 county have been becil filled ill tile ex exception c cf a acial teacher K aur fo the high i ocol at I 1 ind and tile llie gene elle tal lal te tc iv er at eat summit Sun unit tile the lineus of teachers tc is as follows 1 ws for monticello Monticell ii lerue I erue W I 1 vinct et principal miss carnia carma i jolidon jo linon engliski Engli lish sli and speech mia aliel it ris itis is tennant commercial subjects and physical education mrs edith I 1 6 lyman home lion ie economics date dale ik ini mens ns physical edica tica i and science glenn glann parkinson sl hop ica and Eri 1 glish paul seifert Sei ferl social 30 cial science stephen sharp music the sixth grade is vacant icline mrs hazel sober fifth g ade mrs s prudence oaks fourth grade mrs acta ta bailey K bilty third grade aire anre na Pel irlon second grade jess jessie ic bradshaw first glade I 1 in 11 Blan blanding dinc laray alexander 1 principal an and d math inath mrs airs atton stevens en english fisli aar mrs reva redd j girls pe pc ir rowan taylor music mui I 1 s ic mr air wesley hughe pc ilc and social science mr aar nyal r inlander I 1 social science mrs airs ruth nielson I 1 home economics donald bowles ag I 1 and shop commercial teacher not filled binding gride school louise redd principal lars anderson sixth grade louise redd fifth mrs airs elenore guymon Guy inon fourth 1 maric alaric walker chii third A rowena W F tn in 1 I second mrs alm garda G adams first in lasal mr air steve will teach tile the zipper upper grades and miss aliss rhoda lewis the lower in ili bluff the teacher is lucille goforth cedar point buda little gin ginger cr hill zola east summit vacant deaun johnson and william child will teach the indian school at blanding and helen sturgess will teach the indian school at bluff mr air black states that the is bolter better equipped with teachers than at any time for the past soven seven years ile he feel feela 4 that tlc alc two positions still open will be filled by the time school starts people who attended the indian ceremonial at gallup include mr air and mrs airs A J redd A mr I 1 r and mrs airs george palmer mr air and mrs airs donald adams doctor and mrs airs don mcaffee jo joa q P foy and grant bronson they report that the show was probably pro bibly better this year than ever before and especially pecia ily ally ini to those who have not seen it before |