Show FARM TOPICS farmers urged to employ new insecticides in hopper copper war farmers have access to easier and better ways to protect their crops against grasshoppers than by the use of poison baits any of three newly developed insecticides chlordane or benzene chloride are recommended by the U S department of agriculture for general use against hoppers on a large number of crops another well known insecticide DDT work against grasshoppers experimental work with the three insecticides has been carried on by federal and state agencies long enough to be sure of the results each bach has advantages and choice should depend on special needs the type of sprayer or duster used makes little difference so long as the insecticide goes on evenly and in the amounts all three ahree insecticides are both stomach and contact poisons under field conditions chlordane and are best as stomach poisons chlordane Is best as a spray made from an emulsion for half grown and most full grown hoppers use one halt half pound of actual chlordane per acre double the dose for full grown or big yellow grasshoppers chlordane is a slow killer and results are not apparent at once but hoppers stop feeding as soon as they swallow a good dose the killing effect of chlordane lasts about 10 days benzene is best as a dust although it may be used as a spray made from powder use at the rate of three tenths of a pound of actual gamma isomer benzene per acre or SO 30 pounds of one per cent gamma isomer dust per acre directions on the packaged package will tell you how to get this concentration the effect of this insecticide lasts about two days or chlorinated can be used as a dust as a powder or as an emulsion the abe emulsion usually lasts longer is available in 10 or 20 per cent dusts it gives good results at the rate of 20 30 pounds of 10 per cent dust per acre As an emulsion it should be used at the rate of one and a halt half pounds of actual against small hoppers or two and a half or three pounds against large irge hoppers is effect agricultural ai aids s e the goblens Gos lens of winston salem N C may not be graduates of a farm school but their advice Is followed by hundreds of thousands of farmers throughout the south their year old biam almanac is full of bold predictions safe advice witty sayings and is the market place for no strums household aids etc william goslen gosien and junius goslen jr are shown here admiring the almanacs on the wall is the portrait of junius W goslen gosien who published blums before them tive for about 10 days it if the hoppers are confined to the field you want to treat you can do a good job with benzene but if the pests are moving into your field from the outside be wise to use the longer lasting chlordane or |