Show ow by tom GUMMY AN idra A comfortable COMFOR TABLE OF AN CHAIR INVERT THEM AND TO TOP OFF WE ONES 3 ZVI AMP top GARDEN no E r 0 by SENDING or 7 A HE rop rig hr SIDES ANGL aad HAV e AN you AT pa CAN movita plem AND 70 7 WE ier r ru eos R P r CLOSE lawz ra TH rs C sharpen you SOIL pop WILL AND cua rions to alge WILL U LOOSS N SF modern kitchen unit Is real step saver THIS T HIS kitchen unit can be built at a minimum of cost the full size size pattern offered below takes all the mystery out of building provides a complete purchase list of materials step by step building directions and full size patterns for cutting each part all materials needed are now readily available at lumber yards everywhere the construction of this unit has been so simplified that no special tools or skill are required send for or step saving kitchen unit pattern no 3 to east easl bild pattern company dept W pleasantville Pleasant ville N Y buy US savings bonds 20 YEAR LAXATIVE HABIT BROKEN considering I 1 was constipated for over 20 years and laxatives gave me no relief it was amazing to find eating KELLOGGS ALL BRAN daily helped me so much I 1 mrs H rutledge Ru fledge corry Cor ave aero vista warrington floriada Flori florida aa just one of many unsolicited letters gailing praising N 11 BRAN if troubled ib by constipation due to lack of bulk in the diet try this eat an ounce of crisp ALL BRAN every day drink plenty of water if not satisfied after 10 days return empty box to kelloggs battle creek mich DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK I 1 0 1 I rk 0 and nd your str strength ath and energy Is below par it may be caused by disorder of kidney unction function that permits poisonous poison oui waste to accumulate for truly many deop people a feel tired weak and miserable when he the kidneys fail ail to remove excess acids and other waste matter from roro the blood you may suffer buffer nagging backache rheumatic pains headaches dizziness getting ati u up p nights leg gains pains swelling mo adm sometimes e eo frequent an and scanty urination to with smarting and burning Is another oth e r a sign ign that something is wrong with the k kidneys i adne or bladder there should Ks be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect use ue do dhont ans pills pails it is better to rely on a medicine that has won countrywide 1 ap eroyal than on comet something hi ng less favori favorably b doans have b been e e tried and tested many years are at all drug stores get doans today P V 4 N talk facts here is a tire that has extra bar height extra bar length and a curved bar design that out cleans out pulls and outlasts any other tire NO OTHER TIRE has ALL these advantages those massive tread bars take a bigger bite a better hold and NOT ALL because curved for self cleaning they keep right on pulling while other ti tires res only vea CHAMPION clog and spin PASSENGER TIRE and heres another big feature every inch of tread bar for greater safety and length does its share of the pulling beca because use the low pressure longer mileage body design puts adlof ALL of the tread in FULL ground contact 4 for a FULL TRACTION BITE because its patented this tire gives you many advantages which no other aire tire has let 0 1 your firestone dealer or firestone store demonstrate these facts to your satisfaction 3 rut Is for OR RUMOR MAXIMUM TRACTION traer 0 O 1 USE ALL TRACT 1011 2 USE FIRESTONE HYDRO HT OeL uta lm TRUCK TIRE 3 USE ONLY 12 LOS LES PRES 5 U pa for traction tract I 1 son cl lar the a n 9 0 ra listen to the voice of Firer firestone tone every monday evening over NBC running on the highway 1913 the tle rubber co al ayr sassi |