Show flower show slated the rebus rota club is sponsoring a flo flower cr show au 2526 25 26 at 8 p ni in if the tc IL D DS S church building the dears will lc ic apen at for those who fwise to view the flowers before the pro drogt gilim ani sonic somo of the finest musical art isas in san juan are to perform it t the program everyone Ever yi c is asked to send flow drs for the exhibit and is asked and 10 lo fornili fur nili her own vases any person wanting a private display adust 1 ing a table for this pur trose sonic some su suggestion for buinz display are to cut flowers early in ithe morning using a sharp knife imers amers ii i i cold water vater up tip to their necks hecks as is soon as cut until ready lor for common errors ate abc cutting too short and overcrowd ting with some flowers one bloom is sufficient for a display the show is expected to li ii i well mell wot woi th ill the time and everyone Ss invited to attend the commil atee will receive flo clovers from 2 to aa 1 the afternoon of thol at the church |