Show A tribute to AA fourteen years ago a country doctor whose career was being wrecked through heavy drinking found a way out of his lost I 1 weekend through the help of a I 1 I 1 new york broker a fellow suf ferer gferer who had cured himself through service to others that meeting resulted in the formation 1 of the national organization we know today as alcoholics abony in this fourteen year period AA has done what the chicago sun times in a recent editorial calls one of the most remarkable jobs of our generation it points t j out that the rehabilitation of problem drinkers by AA members 1 each of whom are on call night or day to go to the aid of a victim is of inestimable value each victim saved means a family also saved each AA means less work for doctors hospitals welfare agen aies and even the police said the chicago sun times moreover the movement has been one of the greatest si single factors in teaching all of us that the evil of drink is not in the bottle it is in the maladjusted malad juste d individual who turns to the bottle to escape from real or imagined frustrations A lot of us used to think that if the bottle were removed tho the avil vi 1 would disappear why we tried national prohibition painfully sometimes bloodily that our mistake up to a size where all but the most fanatic drys could see it alcoholics anonymous goes to the causes of habitual drunkenness instead of trying a futile half nelson on the effects why AA is with us today while prohibition |