Show AWARDS OFFE OFFERED RED FOR 4 H FARM HOME AND CROPS ACCOUNTS account keeping as a national nacional na ional lional 4 H activity goes into its seventh successful year on march 1 the deadline for opening of new books for the national Nali Nat ional ionar farm and home accounting contest for 1940 under the tha same plan as the 1939 contest it is offered in three divisions regular farm accorn s home accounts and crop enter e accounts supervised by county and state extension agents all 4 H members under 21 are ar eligible to keep books in any of the divisions provided iro aided farm and home accounts cover any twelvemonth period between january 1 1940 and march 1 1941 and crop enterprise records cover the 1940 production period with farm accounts there must be included a complete inventory of all farm possessions at the beginning and end of the 12 month period a record of receipts and costs crops and Ev livestock estock produced and an analysis sheet with suggested changes home accountants must show an inventory of I 1 household equipment food and 1 clothing a record of family expenditures I 1 tures in addition to items contributed by the farm and a summary and analysis showing adjustments made and a plan for the next year incorporating changes suggested by the accounts crop records must show daily man and power labor cash costs involved returns from ahe enterprise and a summary giving changes to be made and difficulties encountered an entirely new modified danish system is to be followed in awarding prizes provided by the international harvester company for the 1940 contest three members of a blue award group in each county one from each of the three divisions will receive gold medals in farm and home accounts 24 all expense trips to the national 4 H club congress in chicago in 1941 correct will be given as sectional awards 12 in each division and 8 trips will be awarded sectional winners in crop accounts from the 24 trip winners in farm and home accounts 12 national winners will be named to receive scholarships eight in farm and four in the home account phases |