Show norman D tells experiences in magazine story I 1 burton C west of this city is in receipt of a highly interesting article from his friend the famous explorer norman D of mexican hat utah the story as published in a re cent issue of the yachting magazine of i new york city is from the pen of george 11 godfrey head of university of oregon news bureau one of the he party of four ace boatmen of the west and is entitled entitle dWhite white water boating exploring the swift flowing john day river in central oregon in light weight rowboats this dangerous and tortuous stream flows on down to the j mighty columbia river and like I 1 the awesome colorado has been called unconquerable quoting from the narrative the following is a high tribute to the foresight and ability of mr as a marine and naval architect and will prove of worldwide world wide interest to explorers and adventurers wherever white water is still to be conquered the boats used in the northwest differ greatly from the cataract type of boat generally used by expeditions on the colorado river undoubtedly the finest type of cataract boats were those developed by norman D who successfully brought a party of scientists including two women over the swirling cataracts in the gorges gorge s of he colorado his boats were constructed ted of plywood and his theory that for strength and stamina without excessive bulk or weight this material was unequaled was proved on his expedition on the trip down the john day river the type of cataract boats were used for the first time substituting from the former 20 foot plank scows to the pound plywood craft of today during his lecture and showing of highly interesting pictures of the famous trip down the colorado river mr nevells Nevi ills gave this description of his own boat built of five ply super garboard Har board an absolutely sol waterproof plywood manufactured of oregon fir and put together with phenol resin with hot plate process the last word for or boat construction 0 on n june norman plans to take off with his wife as first mate and a party of scientists at some point in wyoming on his second trip down the colorado river and this community wishes him not only a successful ful voyage but his safe return from the second conquest of old man river |