Show our annual taz load fell cial st te arid acal is now in the neighborhood of dy by contrast conti ast the annual toca bill bil is the annuel r rant nt ull bill the ann arnal 31 c clothing L bl 11 the annual liht and power bill if you think that kyj aj ply little air this tax load reflect en cn these figures if the entire net income of all the corporations po rations in this country in 1933 best year for which official lofficial figures are available had been confiscated for tax purposes it would have paid just about one quarter of the total tax bill leaving three quarters to be made up ficklin otner sources spur ces the facts speak for themselves them thenis seles eles T taxation bation is the biggest problem the people face and it is constantly becoming giaver Indus Inthis riat news review word reached monticello lost week that loile bailey son of mr and M mis is julius 1212 iley of slit skiing ing creek iranek ranch had won von an amateur radio in which h e mangno san no details of the award have been received here although it is understood that he will be given a weeks theater engagement joe A snow 64 of raleigh b N C appeared in court as client rather than attorney atti arney the lay day after he be received his license to practice snow was suing his wire wife for divorce despite and adverse political activities and threats of governmental ern erti mental conf con condol irol rol and there is reason to expect continuation of the upward business movement in 1936 provided no more hampering fear engendering legislation is enacted manufacturers record ft friends bends doubted C R B merritts stoby that he caught a fish weighing 48 faunds near quincy Qui ticy III but not for long lone merritt served the fish et at a dinner for the truth seekers an organization of women in the presbyterian church |