Show IF SO WHY NOT if water you freeze Is the maindon you squeeze ther then if a tiling thing you bre ek k is aou d a thin thing you take be taken if the plural of child is children chil ebil dien would the pa p ural of wild be A hildien wil ild dien en if a 0 number of cows are cattle duld a number of bows bo be battle if a man who makes plays is a 1 playwright would a macii man who wl lo 10 mikes hay be a hay hamwright wright if a person who spends is a spend pend thrift would a person who anbo lends be a lend thrift if the apple appi 1 e lyou you bit is bitten I 1 would the battle you fight be fitten and it if a yo young n g cat is 3 kitten then would a young rat be u ritten 9 if a person who fails is failure would a person who quails quail be a quai lure if drinking to tor much makes a drunkard would th thinking irking too much mke a thun kard but chy pile on the confusion still stil id like to ask in conclusion if a chap from new yorks a new yorker would a chap from cork cok be a boik er montreal |