Show PROJECTS the men of co 2515 andain creek r al 41 have been working on a dam band and spillway in hasib when completed the rock structure will be approximately forty feet wide twenty feet higland hig high hand and about twenty feet in thickness AH to be built out of rock nock with a smooth masonry surface on ech side it also cont contains lains side walls twenty feet long and two feet thick tapering from either end of the rock dam the project elso also consists of construction st bif pf a dirt dam 13 feet high and lat the base 90 feet wide tapering to ten feet at the top this structure will be about hundred yards long loner the purpose of this dam and spillway is 0 to back the wl ter during food seab seaq season on and allow only a certain amount to go through the dam this will vill prevent waiter floods anich have t used much damage dining some parts jiaras fit the year end and may also store water which hen properly I 1 will furnish a more supply for irrigation purposes most of the men ate aie Noi noising king on this project however iii a few are aie I 1 I 1 ng on the itz ranger riger station which when 1 completed as planned il be a beautiful 1 sight in san juan county much work alls been done now and it is I 1 taking taing on a different look from what i lt it was all buildings kae ae I 1 been neatly painted arid and dail has been i added for planting of lawns and scrubber shrubbery when afien the project is complete 1 in I 1 alcala the boys will return to continue work on tibe the projects started here Jull lust how long the moab project will take no io one knows but if plans work out it will be about the of may |