Show AN AID TO SUE DRIVING scientist of university tells how pile surface keeps you from slumping clumping Slum ping in the last eighteen months more persons have been killed in ali automobile tonio accidents iden in the un united cited states than our coin coun counaris I 1 tris ry s fir army ny I 1 ost lost I 1 in n soldiers luring during the lie world wart varl this Is an alarming g fatt fact which Is receiving alie careful attention lon of public oell CIRIS and challenges the thong lit and and action of every citizen what ewt can be done to reduce this huge death to toll S safety measures me are being ly 11 in many main ways wass but tile the lent lem rests larkely with the automobile driver want can lie he do to further protect himself and others from acel accidents helpful in this con tion have just been offered by b di dr I 1 lidley B need professor of n and nd director of the health service sen ice of the university of Cli chicago lengo doctor reed calls attention to the fact et that sitting while arl driving Is not only an aid to the personal person pei sons sL health but it Is it a direct help to inlets safety as it t places pines the hody where immediate response in emergencies la Is easier there fatigue tint that tuo too often promotes prin notes Is prevented anted all and where the drivers vision Is least likely to he be olis cured it Is not difficult j to the correct driving position but it Is sometimes hind hard to keen such posture postine especially if the automobile mobile seat scat Is covered with a material that enczur ages slipping and sliding about these dIfficult difficulties les are more easily ivol avoided fled doctor teed ponts points out 1 it tile the seats are upholstered d in a fabric filhe mo velvet or velmo elino the fibers of chich grip lie clothing along eh ing support to tile occupant cupani oc of the spat silat and reducing tile the tendency to slip and slide one of the most coin common alon faults in driving dodor reed heed explains Is to slump down dit in tile the sent sea s this Is easy to 10 lo do if the upholstery Is ilip slippery pery but I 1 not so likely to happen on mohair to in a slumped position the motorist can hot quickly respond when nhen fin an emergency demands quick operation of the controls his arms and legs are cramped the lungs do not have hae an opportunity port unity to expand and other internal organs 01 guns are restricted most important af of all the spine natures best shock absorber Is bent in such a position that shocks and jars strike it at an angle instead of in a vertical plane as vas nas intended so that the if the spine Is greatly leducer ledu redi feed ceu the tha person becomes fatigued more moie easily and Is soon in condition that invites accidents here are doctor reads posture suggestions gest ions especially helpful during these vacation months month when long automobile tor to drives lire are taa taking the endurance of the motorist to have the back wal ell against agneni t the back of the HIP seat with the weight height resting mainly on the sent scat bones there should be support for the back at a point below the shoulder blades bl ides and at tile the top of the hips do not recline too much slightly eUg lilly more core than ninety degrees Is enough and there should lic be no 10 weight or pressure pres surL under the knets kavi s the itie feet shout be able to reich reach the pedals and tile floor without wit hout st hetchl n or straining in Ili tills position aich is in the accompanying tile the drivell daher tins has t tho greatest gron test r roladn ln tion atlon and freedain fre edoin of nwe movements ments lie he enjoys the greatest comfort coro foit and lie he Is kept in a position where lie ho enn can most hamrdla lit india the car in time little 0 of danger danber |