Show improvement ERA DIRECTORS CHOSEN frederick Fied S lyman and mrs cor car clia A parkins superintendent of the young mens alens and president of ale lie you youg ladles ladies mutual improvement associations have announced the selection of guy it 11 huist blui at a mrs ml 9 elizabeth eliabeth halls as directors or of ars frs rr i and publicity for tile the san juan juad stake i 1 too T oo 00 much cannot be said about the selection s of these two fine people they have established very enible records lec they both acted as directors last year and were successful ill li buting their stake well veil over tile the kiark the san juan stake Is to be congratulated on the selection of these two exceptional era workers vor kers I 1 hell success Is assured not only will they have charge ot of the campagna ani paRn for subscriptions which civill take place october 11 to 18 but the work vork of the improvement era and ot of publicity for foi tile the M 1 I A organ lations zat lons ions throughout the year as well ft ell from the general office ot of ute the M f 1 A announcement ts is made that lei bei inning with 8 and during the he week meek of the campaign camp aln radio indio programs pios iams will nill be broadcast ov e r IC 9 L 1 and K D Y L this fine organization of 0 the young men and young women in tile the latter I itter day I 1 ay S saint a I 1 nt church has a membership of oc an all excellent e weekly pro sinni la Is being conducted in nil all the wal As ol of tile the church emphasizing particularly I 1 hiie 1 ie field of recreation and nil kinle guidance dining tills sea season seaon on of unemployment and short working lays associations of tills hind hould receive the full co operation or of the public |