Show WIDE VARIETY IN WOMEN OF WORLD alike only in tenderness and charm which nation produces the best all round wife Is a subject that wo would III seem to call forth much difference ferance of opinion some would agree that the little frenchwoman with her deft fingers skilled alike in the arts of sewing and cooking could not be Vett bettered ered and when one has bad the good fortune to lunch or sup at her table add inspect her well kept economical house books envy of the lucky chap who is her husband burns high writes a woman correspondent in the london dally daily mall mail her children are daintily clothed and well fed and her husbands every wish Is anticipated spanish wives certainly have a natural charm with their limpid dark eyes soft boft voices and quiet manners and home Is indeed a place in which to be happy in sunny spain hospitality Is second nature to these women and the table welcomes any friends a husband may bring at any hour these wives pride themselves that there Is always plenty and a husband may congratulate himself on the position of lord and master which his lovely wife con cedes him others will argue that germany Is the only country in III alch which to choose a partner for life since there one finds tile the perfectly capable woman again some say choose the italian if you would lead a life of bliss for she Is soft luring blending her tastes to yours giving of herself ar artistic in home decoration proud of the name you ou hie have given ghen her she Is a tender mother to her children loving faithful yet inspiring the food will be delicious even it if not so well served as by either cither her german or french sister bister and she will not complain either of her husbands extras ga ces or habits she to Is psychology psycho log leal tind and contents herself in the po aitio n 0 of r just being a clinging vine the swedish woman has baa a glorious physique strong as a man she la Is yet a as 3 tender as a child her home Is exquisitely ex run and there tire are the most marvelous man elnus foods because she enjoys eating and a man likes company and appreciation while vwe eating good food perhaps russian women are the most adaptable adap tabla of all and make wonderful wives in consequence they have hau a quality of soul which Is without doubt more attractive even than the physical beauty in which they su so often excel the dutch wife alte has often been quoted as an example of tidiness cleanliness spotless order and in her picturesque neat attire serving a cup of cocoa has been described throughout the world while the austrian woman la Is a most gracious as well as an wife with her poise dignity and laughing eyes ees her sense of humor makes life gay yet her table can only be rivaled by her polish cousin ft whose hose excellent varieties seem destined for publicity american women omen have hae a certain flair for being veil groomed in their persons and their homes and tills this amazing quality makes them tile the type tipe of wives who can do housework look after own bahles prepare and serve a very ery tasty meal find and yet iet be smart to dance in tile the evenings or make up tip a four for foi tennis bridge or but aut no woman can took look like the english woman on a horse at the races or in her box at the opera opedal I 1 she has a certain dignity an inbred makes her the one type tipe to preside over oer the ion long table in a country home she lins has intelligence pluck and natural courage it ins has often been said she Is the real strength of england for she Is tile the mother ot of her great race laco of mens meal men I 1 |