Show GIVING TO BEGGARS A dispatch from cleveland states that sixty vagrants were nvere recently taken from benches on the public square and searched as the result of which it appeared that all of them had cash in their pockets some had bank deposits and one was the owner of property valued at large cities are infested with tribes of beggars many of whom make a very good living by appealing tp peoples pity sorpe corpe of them offer little articles of merchandise lor for sale on oil the streets frequently these articles are inferior and sold at a high profit so that the purchase is principally an ail act of charity for many years tribes of tramps have roamed the roads and streets begging at back doors from more or less brigt ened housewives many persons have given them food clothing etc from fear the tramps would set fire to their buildings if sent away hungry many sympathetic people could never bring themselves to the point of refusing food to a hungry man mail gifts made to people who beg on oil the street A or from door to door are usually worse than wasted they encourage a roving type of men to live idle lives and subsist on tile the thrift and industry of others if the s same ame money was sent to some good charity organization it would assist worthy people who are doing their level best to make good it seems too baddo bad to take such gifts away f from i om the worthy ind and give g 1 ve them to the unworthy ti the e tramps vagrants and beggars may include a good many people who honestly desire to work such ones are entitled to help it should be given by some agency rep resenting citie and towns or by charity organizations I 1 which are trained to separate the sheep from the goats if the individual attempts to give to be beggars bears ars he usually succeeds only in encouraging them to c continue 0 lives of idleness |