Show WHO PAYS recently the head bead of an animal remedy concern made the statement that his payroll was over a year indis state are a number of other similar concerns which chic we believe are doing as large A great number of other smaller ones are operating who pays for it go into other important livestock states and you will find somewhat the same story thousands of remedy Dedd peddlers lers many of them with few qualifications other than a fluent vocabulary are seaming the livestock sections of the country millions upon millions of farmers hard earned dollars are being taken in exchange for pills and liquids many of which might just as well be poured into the sewer 1 many of these remedy peddlers have been known to mke anke oll sorts of unjustified claims for the products they sell they will assert that their so called medicines will cure diseases that are incurable there are no known drug remedies for contagious abortion in cattle hog cholera influenza tuberculosis distemper heaves in horses bacillary white diarrhea in poultry fowl cholera roup diphtheria dip theria chicken pox or blackhead in turkeys yet remedy peddlers often claim their products as cures for these diseases in some cases they will sell their products as a cure all for everything in other cases chev will make a daal or get the companas comp anys specialist to come out and make the diagnosis then they will produce the remedy in too many cases the hired man is just as well qualified to make the dial diagnosis as the so called svezia specialist list there are high class manufacturers of livestock remedies but they are not likely to turn their products loose with just any high powered salesman to be prescribed for adv condition he mav find consult a grood good veterinarian if he says a remedy is good and worth the money use it in times like this it is poor business to nour millions i upon millions of hard earned dollars into the pockets of unscrupulous remedy peddlers and manufacturers are you paying part of this toll |