Show the time thile or of the now year the rebus lioen annual ball subscribe for the record FIRE FIRE FIRE the terrifying call comes when least expected times are hard but might be harder if you have a f ire fire mutual rates are 25 percent cheaper than board rates because they select their risks for good building and good character risks D L BA BAYLES blanding OREGON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO 6 1 arm the NEW GRAND HOTEL MODERN owned and operated by W J halloran co M H thompson mgr located in the heart of the theatrical I 1 and shopping district rooms for I 1 or 2 persons as low as family rooms to modern coffee shop and barber shop MAIN ST at ath SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY A arajj AWa jj 0 2 a 2 9 a 2 a 2 A rna F I 1 R 0 EGGS groceries at a I 1 4 SAVIN 0 CUY CITY AIE MEAT AT MARKET MAR khern asi M SL la A to the public CRY FOR CHEAPER RATES ON WATER AND LIGHTS in ili order to make cheaper rates our customers must pay their light anti and witter ater bills each aghen you hear kinyone soy our rates anre too high ask ailin if he mies ills his power light bill 1111 0 ne o rill il be ie glad to reduce the rates rate i if people will pay their bills blue bine mt ML cirrio arrit CO ce monticello k JJ J m ui eiju ju 7 3 0 0 0 8 00 00 oam 0 Q g 0 0 g BULLS AND RAMS r FOR OR SALE YEARLING rambouillet 50 HAMSHIRE RAM LAMBS 30 YEARLING HEREFORD BULLS la sal livestock co la sal 1115 altru 6 6 6 7 PRO professional A DIRECTORY Y mm NEE F 0 HAMMOND ATTORNEY AT LAW continental Elk elkhead licad station MOAB UTAH power washing and greasing vac cleaning tires tubes batteries Datt erlea and 2nd and main grand junction F W KELLER 9 phone attorney at law 4 monticello utah LA HARPE HOTEL frank J prop modern and in business district J P MAY slain blain at third GRAND JUNCTION NOTARY PUBLIC monticello UTAH As H B USH MONTICELLO BLUFF ST STAGE AGE mall mail and passengers noera aers lt dally except sunday DAILY PAPERS AUGUST g ELMER DALTON prop ai monticello utah 0 auctioneer www COLORADO GRAND JUNCTION CANVAS LEATHER CO home hom of the famous nelson saddle eyes examined complete line of supplies for glasses fitted frames the edwin F burnett main grand junction op torn tom e etrest trist main durango J W WATSON I 1 FLORIST miss anna redd Is our local STARKS DE YARMAN a abent ent and will give you prompt furniture and funeral nome service cervice fruita colorado phone lady assistant NEGRO ED EDUCATION ABLE IN SOME SECTIONS BANNISTER FURNITURE CO study of vero negro education complete horne home furnishers Furnisher Furn sherl 0 pr kroblen devean a bail ail condition not main st more inore than one hird ever eer set get beyond special prices to out of town customers the ift ai t kuaile and nearly three to mers furniture rugs stoves fourt lis dont net get to n tile the fifth grade phone 36 in our W bool system they huc have matiy schools schoola flotd fitta with plain no and soma A N ANDERSON FURNITURE co times not on a board soc the largest home furnishings detary vhs lairds fit lih phase ot of E establishment in western tire lire about ele n nill loi tit nt abe these L people colorado main st phone grand junction colo RECORD advertisements P A 7 LU I 1 07 P LOTIONS CREAMS astringents ASTRIN GENTS s LEMON RINSE SHAMPOO BAY RUM f 2 1 I 1 larton barton mercantile cup co 0 I 1 monticello utah happy new year L 1 1 j 0 hawck HAW Ci haa reasonable re moab garage company monticello UTAH y |