Show HAPPY P afan AN A N W WHO it I 1 HAS 0 UND JOY sin IF S WORK evicted in his cheap flat for non vurne of rent it young y anven tor stood Q over ap pp his tools g for 30 hours alt food or sleep alp not until antl a ie rave gave safe storage to his ls clua cl implements would he give tb ait ight to shelter sli elter or nourish well went abi ey y 81 are my jewels he said 1 I 1 canni st t work without them T abit jat man mail may be boi homeless nelesS he may yh but he Is not one of narea stepchildren step children on oil the contrary 9 he e Is one of fortunes favored so are any other men and women who know that their tools tire their jewels for they have within themselves the seeds of that usually exotic plant happiness A questionnaire question dalre distributed to people p ae who have tried most of tile the alleged approaches to tile the source of happiness would doubtless reveal the conclusion that about the most reliable hope for it lies in love of ones work yet how many people know real love of their work how many are fortunate enough to have work that they to do because they want to and not because they have to how flow many are to led in ili their youth which Is the important time to choose or find work that will be their interest instead of their job how many workers regard their tools as my jewels rather than as their signs of slavery your work may he be of the kind that Is quickly amenable to visible success it may be rich in financial reward then it may or may not bring biln you more or less content and happiness on the other hand ban you may have chosen a medium of expression that Is slow to show results that Is monger in worldly return you may know only laba without reward may experience poverty ridicule and yet you may be anione fortunes fa bored the elite of the earth you in may ny know real content and ami happl happi ness that Is it if you tire lire a man or woman who can say from your heart about your tools or the lie medium of your more labors they tire my jewels 1933 bell ell syndicate service |