Show need colliver Cod liver oil in addition to sunshine in facts for farmers an annual report of tile the expert experiment ment work conducted by tile the wisconsin experiment station repents repeats tile the conclusions previously arrived at that while winter sun balne has ins considerable vitamin I 1 D potency it does not furnish enough of that factor in tin an ordinary poultry house with glasa plas windows to injure maximum egg production and rood good hatchability it states that further tests made last year show that hat the winter cg gg ration should he supplemented men cd with about 2 per cent of cod liver oil or sardine oil nil which in one years tests hns has given as good results as rod liver oil irradiated yeast supplies vitamin D tile tie same as cod colliver liver 0 hut but it needs to be mixed with the mash at the rate of only one half of one per cent however it la Is more expensive so that on oil a cost basis tile the cod colliver liver oil Is still the roost most practical carrier of vitamin D for the poultry roan to use |