Show monticello IS A NATURAL SUMMER HOME TOWN it Is ilona that there is another town in it n de location loi atlon that ann cnn an equal for the delightful dells almost perfect that h 14 almost tile en rule from about juno jime lat ast to oct ct lt it if tho the simple truth were wc ie mound around our irs in toi mountain territory tills this place would ine have a hundred summer homes lio bo giuse during durin tills this of the year tile the thermometer seldom goes oes aloe i annl an tile rovold d eilf high h Is about 00 dp docs aind Is tills pela od unknown aro are eon con liy hy their siti sit at tile of ri a inon 11 nearly 2100 fi pt etli diio 0 hiiter ter provided retreats in the hills hilla rl ait near the town monticello Is Il lique Temper last i billit 11 no dinst midell plu and eer aery advantage for rest and dourea tion la Is not found very co ien ewen rian storms borni sor ni collo COIPO and pass nuni lettai letl lett ni the sun bitin shino in a fe few mint minutes ites or hours and not 0 Wei ei list vast s los for it ila dav or ir gnys binl ill it Is a dining these amir months pr provided ovidea with etli ta nin vann any tile itlie atlin town alitia etli these ninn Is 18 tile the fart fact that it Is situated in the conter or of it a land of natii natt nil irid won on derm equal to any in in ili tho the world tn in ft a few minutes or over three or four hours one may linn ass mss arm tills this peare fill detrent to to these and komps I 1 froin the ninin sti acet lar la nm e 8 vatha of f colorado and A llama ariyana may ahe Q seen anil a scorner corner of veu mexico la Is plain ly IT in view lew making ilour stand out ut in the panorama pi nornma Mont lello lins has renn reason to t tell ettah and adjoining states state that this alha to Is re ally the place for summer time second to none it is hi the lind of and poage avi ani and set anilda St tau aures reg Blan 91 Indest dest jews and moist s stu indies illes this 1 I ills will le be known as a summer nimer retreat a place com coin fort and quietude are ah almost devin in the setting of tile the lin in tune with such a 11 clime during tile the ahot hot couther we period monticello sh ollI tell it aind not in its isolation suppose that these iii ent vi tilles of the liest mail and for min jnnny a family fi rally la Is not iacoli yea ear |