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Show ffl Ml iff TTUuh" ; .1 6 Delicious Flavors 1 1 MIX IN A JIFFY fUSS) J Mon flavor in tvtrv olaM J77FviO PeriecliorPicniciorHonieuM rZ6JfW 15 BIO CLASSES St kulfc3 THE PERFECT DRINK Pattern 7038 contaLns instructions for making scarf; illustrations of it and stitches: photograph of scarf; materials needed. To obtain this pattern, send your order to: Sewinf Circle Needlecraft Dept. 82 Eights Ave. New York Enclose 15 cents in coins for Pattern Pat-tern No Name Address RAZOR BLADES ASK YOUR DEALER TOR TByk OUTSTANDING BLADE VALQj O RENTES lO for 10c "LHUtJ 7 for 10c "TAKING THE COUNTRY BY STORM" KNOWN FROM COAST TO COAST CUPPIES COMPANY - ST. LOUIS, MO. f ADD loveliness to your home with this easily crocheted scarf to be made in various sizes. Done in fine cotton, its pineapple design matches that of the lovely doily, Pattern 6821. FAMOUS ALL-BRAN MUFFINS. EASY TO MAKE. DELICIOUS! They really are the most delicious muffins muf-fins that ever melted a pat of butterl Made with crisp, toasted shreds of KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN, they have a texture and flavor that have made them famous all over America. KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN MUFFINS 2 tablespoons cup milk shortening 1 cup flour cup sugar teaspoon salt 1 egg 2y2 teaspoons 1 cup All-Bran baking powder Cream shortening and sugar; add egg and beat well. Stir In All-Bran and milk; let soak until most of moisture Is taken up. Sift flour with salt and baking powder: add to first mixture and stir only until flour disappears. Fill greased muffin pans two-thirds full and bake in moderately hot oven (400F.) about 30 minutes. Yield: 6 large muffins, muf-fins, 8 Inches in diameter, or 12 small muffins, 24 Inches in diameter. Try these delicious muffins for dinner din-ner tonight or for tomorrow morning's breakfast. They're not only good to eat; they're mighty good for you as well. For several of these muffins will add materially to your daily supply of what physicians eall "bulk" in the diet, and thus help combat the common kind of constipation that is due to lack of this dietary essential. Eat ALL-BRAN every day (either as a cereal or in muffins), drink plenty of water, and see if you don't forget all about constipation due to lack of "bulk." ALL-BRAN Is made by Kellogg's in Battle Creek. T, l fawn8.01 , -223 May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with Its hurry and worry. Irregular habits, improper eating and drinking ita risk of exposure and infection infec-tion throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagfrfng backache, headache, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are sometimes some-times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan'a Pills. Doan'g help tha kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recommended recom-mended by grateful users everywhere. A$k your neighbor! mrnm Idfitis nwi) wm v 1 ! -t-tpmr m moms-mhos to war nom X1, J I'5-' i K ' mohumths r Moeemyr TP 'j-jr f"n oom Alr-ConJit'itmeJ I Gangt I U SCIENTIFIC FACTS ABOUT I I oODOI. f My CIGARETTE JJ , , f N tE$S NICOTINE) -1 r - . rv , IN THE SMOKE Os rtf r x OF CAMELS MEANSV . hv U fS tome zy THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS Caif 28 LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest -selling cigarettes tested lest than I $af ' ny of them according to independent scientific tests of the smoke Itself (DM ifEL"THE CSGARE1TE 0F C0STL,ER T03ACC0S WNU-W 364: HOTEL BEN LOMOND OGDEN. UTAH 'V UO Rooma 350 Batha - $2.00 to $4.00 Family Roomi for 4 perionas - - $4.00 Air Cooled Loung-e and Lobby Dlnlnc Room Coffee Shop Tap Room Home of Rotary Klwania ExeentWes Exchn Optimist "20-30" Chamber of Commereo and Ad Clnb Hotel Ben Lomond OGDEN. UTAH Eabert E. Visick, Hit. |