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Show Capt. Huntsman Visits Parents Captain Dwight Huntsman, training officer for the 64th division at Pepperell Air Force Base, St. Johns, Newfoundland, visited with his parents, Col. and and Mrs. George R. Huntsman Hunts-man of 2146 East 48th South last week. Captain Huntsman who piloted the plane and carried two other officers, made an official visit to Almagordo Air Force Basel in New Mexico. They arrived in Utah Sunday on their return flight. He also visited with his brothers, Ross, Byron and Knox while here. His wife, Jo and children, Dwight, Valori and Candy make their home in Newfoundland, where he returned on Tuesday. Col. Huntsman is a reserve officer in the Utah National Guard. Their son Byron graduated grad-uated from the University of Utah School of Mechanical Engineering the past week in a class of 350 students.. He will be employed at Thiokol Corporation near Brigham City. |