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Show Roundup For Utah Writers Planned One of America's top fiction writers, a recognized Midwest poet and the assistant editor of a leading Sunday magazine will speak & conduct workshop sessions at the annual League of Utah Writers Roundup in Salt Lake City, September 12, 13 and 14. The array of top talent secured for the benefit of Utah writers and potential writers was announced this week by Theron H. Luke, Provo, state president of the writers league. It includes: Steve Mc-Kicl, Mc-Kicl, Seaside Oregon, who has published over 80 short stories in the Saturday Evening Post and ranks as one of America's leading current fiction writers; James Neill Northe, Oklahoma poet, publisher of the poetry magazine. Seven, and well-known well-known at writers conferences throughjt the country; Bernard Kelly, Denver, assistant editor of the Denver Post's Empire Magazine, one of the outstanding outstand-ing Sunday supplements in America. McNeil will talk on tiie short story, Northe on poetry and Kelly on article-writing. article-writing. Mr.' Luke emphasized that the Roundup, to be held at the Hotel Utah with exception of a September 12 evening reception re-ception at the Art Barn, is open to anyone upon registration registrat-ion and payment of the required re-quired Roundup fees. Membership Member-ship in the League of Utah Writers is not required, he emphasized, and anyone interested in-terested in writing is urged (Continued on page 2) (Continued from page 1) to attend. A registration fee of $12 will entitle anyone to attend all events of he weekend Roundup, including the lectures and workshop sessions by the visiting writers, and the annual awards banquet and poets' breakfast. Individual events may be attended for- lesser amounts. |