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Show Sugar House, Uf ah TnursJay, September 5,1957 SOUTH EAST INDEPENDENT Pagt 7 Grandpa Truman Made An "Old Grand-Dad- " ' : I H-- - . --'fV .. t S 4 i a "!TC'JP- " iiiiuiw Grandpa, Harry S. Truman, beams at being inducted as a "member in good standing in the Old Grand-Da- d Club." Said the former president: "The absolute lack of contro-versy surrounding my elevation to this new position makes it a rare and pleasant experience." Presenting Mr. Truman with his certificate of member-ship is Milton S. Kronheim of Washington, D. C, also. a member of the Club in that area. Classifieds . . . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3IAN or WOMAN . . National Firm needs an operator to service a Cigarette machine route. Established. Part or foil time trill net you from $200 to $600. monthly.. Dependability, Honesty and capital (secured) -- $1600 to $2800 win qualify you for an Interview. Please write to Sheridan Enterprises, 306 Kresge BIdg. Minneapolis 2, Minn. . .Lost - Pet baby skunk in vi-cinity of Stratford and IBgyland. Saturday. Finder, please dial IN 41 reward POSITION WANTED Student's wife desires secretar-ial work in the Sugar noose area. Six years experience. Can supply good local references. Must have minimum of $250.00 monthly wage. Dial CE7 2555 days, CR7-684- 0 evenings and week-end- s. HELP WANTED FEMALE . .Interior decorator with sales experience In wallpaper - draperies and paint. Call Mr. Ottley for Interview at IIU 37. WOMEN WANT WORK Ironing and mending In my home. Can AM6-229- 2 or AM6-625- 6 Ironing Wanted - Call AM6-429-4 Will pick up and deliver If desired MONEY MAD? Save it and make it in this home! Economy and convenience, close to school, shopping, church and bus. Hot water, gas fired heat, 2 complete baths, finished base-ment, garage, fenced yard. Call owner IN6-O48-0. I J) HEWELL A. NELSON J j specializing in the finest of r H flor finishing A I ( Legitimate Licensed Contractor l I l( any years exPe"ence in Salt Lake I m ' Xs (uaIity Work " Pararun for estimate call v 2151 South 8th East HU 4-42- 19 i (KITCHENS and APPLIANCES By PLANNING and REMODELING ) ) SPECIALISTS J 1 MILLET - PASSEY KITCHENS ( Welcome To JACK HEWITT'S FREE and PICKUP V DELIVERY Conoco Service "If your car needs servicing let Hewitt do it" 904 So. 13th East Phone EL 5-07- 86 m littV THIS AU! Over 20,000 Arthritic and Bheamartie Sufferers harre taken this Medicine since it has been on the market. It is inexpensive, can he taken in the home. For Tree information gite name and address to P. O. Box 2535, Tulsa, Oklahoma. MM CEMENT WORK DONB All kinds of cement work, base-ment floors, garage floors, drive ways, patios, sidewalks, and sand-finishi- ng of basement walls (water proofing). Done by a dutch cement worker. Call INgersol 15. MOW IS THE TINE TO PREPARE FOR WINTER REGLAZE YOUR WINDOWS PAINT YOUR EXTERIOR WOODWORK BE SURE YOUR ROOF WILL WITHSTAND THE WINTER STORMS: INSULATE YOUR ATTIC WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY OH ALL ABOVE ITEMS A!lt!0P! LUMBER CO. 3215 ICghland Drive XN7-15- 33 m m si w i qs'" BLACK LOAMY TOP SOIL STEER MANURE Grading - Hauling Plowing Scliockcr Landscaping 6400 So. 23rd East CR 88 ESSS PLAN THIS YEAR CluWillXH M IMIiP TOx MAKE YOUR HOME MORE BEAUTIFUL... fWWVj MORE LIVEABLE WITH 2132 S ii f) A I J 0 1 ll ae"ten8 to match erery home. Finest I. I materials .... tailored to your specification. lgjgTwaSs i-i- ' r g "me orer thoao distinc-IF"''- "' i S2 tirely styled awnings from Sugarr House KVfcgTVf "C'p:y Awning new 1957 patterns, colors and 2kft PTreTestS j rVStuL Wu l convenient TERMS iW SrJrA GUARANTEED Entertains A busy week for the decendanta of the Butcher family ended in a successful family reunion. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Linden O'Brien of Holladay had thirty guests to an outdoor smorg-asbord. Monday Mrs. Teany Gil-be- rg and Marion Parker both of Salt Lake City, had a dinner for twenty one guests at 2:30 for their immediate family. Mrs. Har-rison J. Butcher of 1225 Major Street had open house Mondey from 8:00 to 11:00 pjn. sixty-eig- ht guests were present. Friday noon she also gave a luncheon for the sistrs of hr late husband. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sanley D. Butcher gave a dinner for fourteen guests. The out of town guests present were, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter of Ohio, Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cooks of San Francisco. Other members of the immediate family are Mr. and Mrs. Linden O'Brien of HaJladay, Mrs. Percy Butcher, Mrs. H. J. Butcher and Teany Gilberg all residing in Salt LLake City.. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Butcher had 11 children. 38 grand children, 60 great grandchildren and 5 great great grandchildren. (Continued from Page 6) student abroad is earned by a school when it receives a teenager from abroad as a student for the school year. These students come under the other very important half of the American Field Service operation: the (winter) program. This student is received by a family in the school district. In the area for the school year are thirteen high school seniors from abroad: Beatrice Saucillon from FRANCE, attending East High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. George P. South; Claudia Meyer from LUXUMBOURG, attending Roland Hall, and staying with Dr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Steven-son; Staffan Andersson from SWEDEN, attending Granite High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Keys; Charles Jove from SWITZERLAND, attending Davis and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Bevins; Trudy Hoffken from GERMANY, attending Judge Memorial and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lipman; Heather Macvie from ENGLAND attend-ing Bountiful High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Barber; Kusmadi Endin from INDONESIA staying with Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Jones; Omer Inane from TURKEY attending Olympus High and staying" with Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Carmen; Kirsten Lungaard from DEN-MARK, attending South High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Garlick; Barbara Zentgraf from GERMANY, attending Murray High and staving with Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Green, Tony Gay from SINGAPORE attending Bounti-ful High and staving with Mr. and Mrs. Ed W. Willard, Willy Groot fitan FRANCE, attend-ing Davis High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Wilcox, and Willy Rasmussen from NORWAY, attending West High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hendry. |