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Show American Field ! Service Off ers Vast Opportunities By Lynn Howard Around The World in Salt Lake On June 21st,- American high school juniors waved farewell to American shores and set off together to-gether for an incredibly exciting and rewarding adventure. Among them were eleven Utahns, among the first from this state to receive American Field Service International In-ternational Scholarships. Joyce Bartschi from South, Steven Kilmer and Carolyn Tanner from Olympus, Susan Sterling from Granite. Susan Stringham from Murray, Cam Pederson from West, Chris Snow and Roger Thompson from East, Mary Roser from Judge, Eleanor Davey from Roland Hall, and Kay Sheffield from Davis are spending their summers in JAPAN, FRANCE, NEW ZEAIAND, LUXUMBOURG, TURKEY, NORWAY, PACK-ISTAN, PACK-ISTAN, GERMANY, and GREECE, GRE-ECE, respectively. Utah is also previleged to send John Gunnell, East High student, and Allen Engen, Olympus High student, to GERMANY and NORWAY to attend school and stay with families fam-ilies there until the first of the year. This year is the first that American teenagers have had the opportunity to live and attend school abroad. Two among the sixteen participants from the U.S. j are Utahns. These teenager are not leading the lives of tourists. It Is the belief of the AFS that living in a family and doing as the family does, the students learn more than they would by just hitting tourist highlights. When they return to the states they are responsible for sharing this new knowledge with their families, student bodies and communities. commun-ities. Throughout the year, they give illustrated talks and speaches describing their experiences. They also take responsibility on the local AFS committee. Through this sharing of experience, an AFS scholarship, rather than being for one student, is for the entire community. Behind this opportunity for Utah teenagers is Bartlett Wicks, area chairman of the American Field Service committee, whose responsibility respon-sibility it is to insure the careful and competitive selection of AFS teenage representatives in area schools. For the benefit of teenagers in the South East area who will soon be registering for the school year, and for their parents, two principal requirements require-ments for an AFS candidate are that he or she have studied two years of a foreign language and be a junior in high school in good academic standing at the time of application. With area schools opening soon, the language requirement is worth special consideration. con-sideration. The privilege of sending a (Continued on Page 7) (Continued from Page 6) student abroad is earned by a school when it receives a teenager from abroad as a student for the school year. These students come under the other very important half of the American Field Service operation: the (winter) program. This student is received by a family in the school district. In the area for the school year are thirteen high school seniors from abroad: Beatrice Saucillon from FRANCE, attending East High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. George P. South; Claudia Meyer from LUXUMBOURG, attending Roland Hall, and staying with Dr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Stevenson; Steven-son; Staffan Andersson from SWEDEN, attending Granite High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Keys; Charles Jove from SWITZERLAND, attending Davis and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Bevins; Trudy Hoffken from GERMANY, attending Judge Memorial and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lipman; Heather Macvie from ENGLAND attending attend-ing Bountiful High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Barber; Kusmadi Endin from INDONESIA staying with Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Jones; Omer Inane from TURKEY attending Olympus High and staying" with Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Carmen; Kirsten Lungaard from DENMARK, DEN-MARK, attending South High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Garlick; Barbara Zentgraf from GERMANY, attending Murray High and staving with Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Green, Tony Gay from SINGAPORE attending Bountiful Bounti-ful High and staving with Mr. and Mrs. Ed W. Willard, Willy Groot fitan FRANCE, attending attend-ing Davis High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Wilcox, and Willy Rasmussen from NORWAY, attending West High and staying with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hendry. |