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Show AWniCLY FEATURE OF THE SOUTHEAST THEATRE IN SUGARHOUSE (the sweetest spot w town) Now Playing: Jerry Lewis in "The Delicate Delinquent;" Rod Steiger in "Run of The Arrow" if . , V r ': , . - J J - ; I. v.VV ,..::. pif T 1 , I fir " i Launa Patten, former child star, plays her first grown-up dramatic role in "Joe Dakota,' Universal-International Universal-International picture filmed In color, In which she co-stars with Jack Mahoney, Charles McGraw and Barbara Lawrence. DANGEROUS LOVE on the Indian lrontier unites itott feteiger, paleface pale-face renegade, and Sarita Montiel, a Sioux maiden In ItKO's "Run of the Arrow." . -. : i t A. ' r f ' & i t i Barbara Lawrence plays a frontier fron-tier lass in "Joe Dakota," Universal Univer-sal International picture, filmed in color, in which she is co-starred f with Jock Mahoney, La una Patten J and Charles McGraw j v - -i UrMriM.iai?ifi:iiyi&'t-i w 'wgi'toiiiiiiti'ii.iiwiiii'iig tmtmjitm'M'miHeZii "JOK UAKU1A" I CS1 , ; v -ft- WfW, . 1 Jerry Lewis, Mary Webster in scene from "The Delicate Delinquent" |