Show PEDIGREED SCRUBS IN GREAT DEMAND too many breeders bleeders Bre eders who buy and sell live stock entirely on their pedigrees pedigreed grees the present enormous for purebred live stock Is responsible for supplying n g a market for about every animal good ba badana llund indifferent that can boast of a pedigree Is the way th the situation looks to george george C II umphrey who as chief of the department of animal husbandry of the college of agriculture has aided stockmen stoc kmen in every section ot of the state in the formation of community breeders bleeders bre eders associations for the improvement and development of the live stock industry in their respective communities the leaders in all of these organizations realize says sir air humphrey that their future success in the live stock industry must be built on a purebred and bred tor for production basis there are however ow ever far too many who buy and sell stock entirely on their pedigrees pedigreed grees backed by no record of performance or production it is a safer investment by far to t pay double the price for a good producer or one whose ancestors were good producers than it is to invest in a pedigreed scrub |