Show mail ordering of farm implements from page 1 single coil total 2996 at tho the factory or laid do down wn at price we found that a better rake could be bot for practically the same money already set up at home so that when the money was paid the goods were delivered and if the mail order rake was brot up in weight and value it would pay the purchaser to buy the rake at home even from the view point of cost alone third we took the mail order mowing machine 41 ft cut weight pounds at the factory freight to price 1080 freight to roosevelt or a total of delivered at roosevelt the local mowing machino machine 41 ft cut which which we have inspected weighed pounds and retailed for cash comparison of the tw two 0 articles shows that the local machine is heavier slightly stronger and more improved in all three cases mentioned the local dealer set up the goods whenever desired while the mail order goods come crated nd nj n j i i I 1 r were rever never respired resu ired v ko and set up the goob go from local i implement 6 dicatos that many of ofte tl ers era have been carried carri t being ended on ro in chi chines lies for instance DO not til nov noir but for far two the mail order houss houn 1 great talk about the eri of time until nov 1 course this is only done dans B ing more as is the CW cass purchase is made I 1 low 6 brings on delivery I 1 price in both cases ses t of ki is not a I 1 large e amount amouel 14 ordering done c in the believe there re is much 1 I 1 should be the case the people of the aing tat b have a ve been favored WJ by clement de dealers alers to a 3 M gree and when ernail and quality ty of the 9 and aad work workmanship manshil ana ad ft important features are re ak a considered it seems evi everything is is in ia favor goods frol tr top c hasing chasing your gc 0 cal dealers wt not only w k farm imp implements emeriti but 1 ip a 14 merchandise as lye wite quite e to J le d j at bowing bowin machine in e all ana be ae pure bcd here for e amonoy t than raw kr der house ns s we r J idea that 1 1 1 brej a i few doll 9 b to bicio hi cio i r |